I’m using FlightInfoExStruct and I’d like to get the time of departure and arrival, as it appears on the website, but when making the query FlightInfoExStruct returns me other times … How can I get the hours I see on the website?
I’m using FlightInfoExStruct and I’d like to get the time of departure and arrival, as it appears on the website, but when making the query FlightInfoExStruct returns me other times … How can I get the hours I see on the website?
Estimated arrival time is in FlightInfoEx AeroAPI (formerly FlightXML) 2 Explorer
You can use Version2b FlightInfoStatus to get estimated departure. FlightXML2 Web Services
Estimated departure and arrival times are also available in our Flight XML3 using FlightInfoStatus. https://flightaware.com/commercial/flightxml/v3/apiref.rvt#op_FlightInfoStatus