After reading your post, I purposely labeled my two independent sites as 1090 and UAT978. I am not MLAT’ing with any other sites in my area, so I don’t have much to compare to either.
My 978 site is named “”Balto 978 UAT” and is site number 100278.
It has been up for about 5 months and tracks about 100 planes per day, on average, quite a small number compared to how many planes the co-located 1090 system tracks.
I have MLAT turned off based on my assumption that UAT need not be triangulated: Each full reply contains the transmitter’s WAAS GPS location.
That’s a great point. There is no SSR mode like A/C/S on UAT.
I disabled MLAT on my UAT feed years ago. It would never be used. It is so much quieter than 1090mhz. It is part of the reason that they can provide FIS-B, NEXRAD weather, NOTAMs etc.
Another thought on identifying UAT-only sites is to look at the bottom of the rankings stats. My site although well located and optimized for performance still ranks in the 22,000 range.
All of UAT sites have MLAT disabled now. That’s a starting point.