I’ve noticed that my squawk comments show up right away, but when I post a comment on a photo, I don’t see it come up on the page. I’ve also checked “recent comments” on the photo dropdown list, and never see my recent comments show up. Is there something I’m missing?
Over 100 people have read this post and nobody has answered the question. What gives? I’m new to this site, and was just wondering if there is some prerequisite I need to fulfill in order to comment on photos here.
Anyone?? … *Anyone??? *… Beuller???
smacks forehead OF COURSE! I should have known…
… and thanks for the fish.
One of the FlightAware staff has emailed me and between us we determined that it’s the fault of my abysmal company-wide, outdated browser which Big Brother says we are not allowed to update. So the mystery has been solved, and all you folks that were staying up nights worrying that I couldn’t comment on photos can rest easy again in the arms of Morpheus.