Gate information and estimated departure times


the live tracking on the website has also airport gate information and estimated arrival times available. Are these informations also available with the FlightXML api?

It seems that:

Scheduled departure time = filed_departuretime
Scheduled arrival time = filed_departuretime + filed_ete
Est. departure time = estimated arrivaltime - filed_ete
Est. arrivalt time = estimated arrival time

Is that correct?


You can simply calculate estimated arrival time in the way you’ve described. However, I would probably not recommend computing “est departure time” in that way.

We do not currently expose the gate or terminal information through FlightXML, but we will be releasing a new FlightXML method this month that will allow you to access that. Watch in this forum for an announcement in the coming weeks.

Gate information can now be retrieved using the new function announced here:

Great news. Thanks!

Hello Bovineone

Link is not working.

It was a link to a post under the old forum system that apparently broke in the transition. In any case, it was probably referencing the availability of the function AirlineFlightInfo in FlightXML2. FlightXML2 Web Services