What is happening since yesterday?
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Last 4 posts:
Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:28 pm
Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:49 am
Thu Feb 09, 2017 9:11 pm
Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:38 pm
You don’t have permission to access /posting.php on this server.
Try to reply on older threads, not on this brand new thread and see what happens.
Seems newly created threads are on another server, not on “this server” of the Forbidden notice.
It is mod_security objecting to the content of your post (a false positive, something that looks like an attempted attack on the forum software). Try rewording it.
(I pointed the ops team at this thread so they can update the rules to eliminate the false positive)
I just now succeeded in posting this one (click here)
I typed one sentence at a time, then hit “Preview” button. It was ok.
When I reached the sentence (2) Radiation P a t t e r n, (without spaces)and hit “Preview” button, Forbidden appeared. I removed (2), no success, removed Radiation, no success, removed P a t t e r n (without spaces), and bingo! Forbidden disappeared. I changed Radiation Pa t t e r n to Radiation Curve, and was able to post successfully.
Note: In this post, I had to add spaces in “P a t t e r n” as without spaces, this post was “Forbidden”.
Do not use the word P A T T E R N in your posts. it is taken as if it is searching for patterns and is considered attack.
If it is necessary to use it, insert spaces between its alphabets.
There will be some more words & phrases which are causing “Forbidden”. Hope these will be discovered by others and posted for benefit of all.
It was slightly more complicated than matching just the word “pattern”, but yes we did find a bug and (hopefully) have it fixed. Many apologies for the confusion / inconvenience.