I’m working on an API implementation for integrating FlightAware - AirLine Schedules, from which i want to retrieve a flight schedule given by the flight no and arrival/destination date. I well understand that start date and end date are the required parameters and successful results are obtained if we do the API query as can be seen here (Valid query results with start and end date).
But when i add the third param, of flightno as a string(stated in API documentation) by giving valid flight numbers taken from your dashboard. For instance Flight-UPS488 flight code assumed to be UPS488, when added in the postman, i got the error for flight no to be in numerics as can be seen from here (Flight number numeric error).
I also tried with multiple params combination of airline and flight numbers etc. But they do not retrieve me any results though with the params combination the results are visible on dashboard as can be seen here (Valid Flight In Dashboard, No Result in postman with same parameters)
Can any one please guide, given a specific airline number how can i fetch its schedule because i need information of carrier, flight number, origin airport, destination airport.
For the AirlineFlightSchedules function, the “flightno” argument should simply be the numeric portion of the ident (“488” in the case of “UPS488”).
Additionally, AirlineFlightSchedules is generally only going to work for actual passenger airline flights, not cargo flights.
Thankyou for your insight, but i already that by giving numerics for flight number it doesn’t return the results for valid flights.
I also tried with multiple params combination of airline and flight numbers etc. But they do not retrieve me any results though with the params combination the results are visible on dashboard as can be seen here. A Valid Flight In Dashboard (http://nimb.ws/M0ZeKu) has no Result in postman with same parameters (http://nimb.ws/gVAJ8X)
As I said, it will generally only work for passenger airline flights. UPS is a cargo service, not a passenger airline.
Thankyou for your help.
I tried with a passenger flight https://flightaware.com/live/flight/AAL494, it seems to give the results
Just a little question, i re-read the FlightAware API and was able to get this endpoint for retrieving flght information https://flightaware.com/commercial/flightxml/explorer/#op_FlightInfo.
Apart from date filters is there any major difference between these two end points. From querying this end point of FlightInfo i retrieved even the cargo flights, also it seems to have an edge for retrieving the origin and destination locations of flights, but on the other hand for airline schedule we need to perform another query for retrieving the locations from aircodes.
To summaries, both the end points meet to my requirements(of retrieving the carrier information, flight-number, origin airport, destination airport) either by direct API calling or indirect.
Can you suggest any one which is more preferred in your view or using anyone based on requirements is fine.
AirlineFlightSchedules are derived from scheduling information published by airlines (primarily for the purpose of booking passenger tickets in advance) and are available for months into the future but is very stale data since it is only updated once per month.
FlightInfo/FlightInfoEx/FlightInfoStatus are based on the latest flight tracking information that FlightAware has synthesized from multiple data sources, including flight plans, actual positions, and flight events. This information is only available a few hours prior to the flight, since that is when the flight crew/dispatchers begin entering the data for the actual flight into the ATC system.