We are the owners of a small airport in N. Florida (Kathrinstadt Airport, identifier: 2FA7)… I would like to know why, when I enter our airport identifier into Flight Tracker, no ATC radar comes up in the results? If I enter St. Augustine (SGJ), Jacksonville (JAX), Kay Larkin/Palatka (28J), or any other airport I get an ATC radar image showing the local air traffic… but why not ours? Hope someone can help.
I think mduell can give you the definative answer. My guesses are:
Flight Aware tracks primarily aircraft on an IFR flight plan.
The airport code you enter must be in the ICAO format, i.e. KABC. I don’t know if there are plans to change that or not.
With 700 feet of runway I doubt you get many IFR movements!
Try entering one of the busier local airports you mentioned, I tried KSGJ, when the page comes up look above the departures table, you will see a small map. If you left click on that map it will open a new window that shows all IFR traffic within about 100 miles. You may see an occasional aircraft receiving VFR advisories too. I’m afraid that’s about all you’re going to get.