Flight is way far North of the tracking graph- is that norma

My daughter is flying back from Rome as I write this and the plane Icon is way far north of the serated tracking line…is that normal?
I am very worried so I called US Air and they said nothing is wrong? Should I be worried. I am a single dad and she is my only
child and I worry a lot. Thank You

Very normal, no worries.

Wait until you have someone on a trip across the Pacific, Vancouver, Canada to Sydney, Australia and the plane hits stretches with no monitoring that we can access. It was quite a relief when eventually I saw position estimates from the Australian Flight Control every ten minutes; estimates were much better than nothing.

In the future, I will track a flight in advance so I know when there might be no indication we can see. I’ve even seen Cathay Pacific disappear for times on a Vancouver to New York flight.

Too much information available can actually be bad! :wink:
