Fewer message reports per flight observed

I use the number of reports per flight as a measure of the efficiency of my feeder setup. I noticed today 15th August in my stats page that there has been a reduction in the average from 75 reports to 40 on both my receivers. Has there been a change in the way data is being recorded?

Anyone know the answer?
It’s not just me looking at other feeders they are all down on reports yesterday and today.

My position reports are down 40%. They are changing things in stats for dump1090 :unamused:

The stats are adjusted to a fixed sample period (usually about 15 seconds) so that stats are comparing apples to apples for someone submitting data every 5 seconds vs someone submitting data every 20 seconds. There was a bug in this process and it was corrected yesterday.

There’s nothing really changing on our processing of the data or in what we’re doing with it and it doesn’t reflect any issues on your side or need to change anything. It’s just the only way to have statistics that make sense.

Thanks Dan so long as we achieve consistent reporting I am happy.

Does this mean we might as well change our PlanePlotter reporting setting to fifteen seconds? I have always been at ten which, I think, was the requested time when I started.



15 is all that you’ll get “credit” for but I’d recommend 10 if it’s not a problem.

I have also noticed a substantial decline in that stat for my account. I haven’t changed anything.

Hi Dan, please see my earlier reply:

The stats are adjusted to a fixed sample period (usually about 15 seconds) so that stats are comparing apples to apples for someone submitting data every 5 seconds vs someone submitting data every 20 seconds. There was a bug in this process and it was corrected yesterday.

There’s nothing really changing on our processing of the data or in what we’re doing with it and it doesn’t reflect any issues on your side or need to change anything. It’s just the only way to have statistics that make sense.