Someone knows the sintax to feed a ModesMixer2 RPI? im trying with --InConnect XXX.XXX.X.XXX:30003 but the program doesnt connect with FA equipment.
–InConnect XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:port is correct sintax, but please check your out port number.
And please place here copy of screen when ModeSMixer2 start. It’s must seems like this:
2015-07-29 00:24:02.907 INFO ModeSMixer2 v.20150628
2015-07-29 00:24:02.924 INFO Open DB session
2015-07-29 00:24:02.964 INFO inConnect( connecting
2015-07-29 00:24:02.974 INFO inConnect( connected
2015-07-29 00:24:02.980 INFO inConnect( connecting
2015-07-29 00:24:02.988 INFO inConnect( connected
2015-07-29 00:24:03.075 INFO inConnect( BEAST data stream detected
2015-07-29 00:24:11.791 INFO Coverage area was determined
2015-07-29 00:24:12.773 INFO Coverage area was determined
There is already a thread for this, try here:
In this post talks about how to feeds modesmixer2 from piaware not from other equipment.
I got the ports
2015-07-29 21:18:29.995 INFO inConnect( connecting
2015-07-29 21:18:29.995 INFO inConnect( connecting
2015-07-29 21:18:29.996 INFO inConnect( connecting
2015-07-29 21:18:29.996 INFO inConnect( connected
2015-07-29 21:18:29.997 INFO inConnect( connected
2015-07-29 21:18:29.997 INFO inConnect( connected
2015-07-29 21:18:30.001 INFO inConnect( SBS data stream detected
192.168.170 FR24
192.168.117 PF
192.168.107 FA
That is what you asked in your first post, how to feed modemixer on a Pi. What exactly are you trying to connect modemixer to? On what platform is your modemixer running on?