I have a MicroADSB Version 4, Option 3 external ADS-B receiver that outputs data in AVR format over TCP based I.P. I also have a Raspberry Pi 3 running PiAware.
I’ve modified the piaware-config.txt file as per the Advanced Configuration file to use an: ‘external receiver - relayed connection’ but FlightAware doesn’t see any data. I suspect it’s because my device is outputting data in AVR format and the PiAware expecting Beast format.
pi@raspberrypi:~/mm2 $ ./modesmixer2 --help
ModeSMixer2 v.20190223
Program options:
-h [ --help ] This help message
--inConnect arg Input connector. Format: host:port
--inConnectId arg Input connector with ID. Format: host:port:id
--inServer arg Input server. Format: port
--inServerId arg Input server with Id. Format: port:id
--inServerUdp arg Input udp server. Format: port
--inSerial arg Input serial. Format: port[:speed[:flow_control]]
FlowControl: none,software,hardware
--outConnect arg Output connector. Format: type:host:port
Types: beast,avr,avrmlat,msg,sbs30006,beastmlat,msg
--outConnectId arg Output connector with Id.
Format: host:port[:name:lat:lon:TEXT:freq]
--outConnectUdp arg Output udp connector. Format: type:host:port
Types: beast,avr,avrmlat,msg,sbs30006
--outServer arg Output server. Format: type:port
Types: beast,avr,avrmlat,msg,sbs30006,sbs10001,fats
--globes arg Enable Globe-S server. Format
--web arg Enable Web Server on port (default: off)
--google-key arg Google Maps key
--web-auth arg Enable web auth username:password (default: off)
--disable-web-log Disable Web Log (default: on)
--silhouettes arg Set Silhouettes directory
--pictures arg Set Aircraft Pictures directory
--db arg Set DB Filename
--dbro arg Set DB filename for read-only using
--keep Enable Beast output keepalive message (default:
--frdb arg Set FlightRoute DB Filename --location arg Receiver location Lat:Lon
Example: --location 36.2:-115.3
--add-reference-point arg Add a new reference point for calculating distance
and azimuth on a Google map Example: --add-reference-point 38.5:-114.6:[Label]
--add-points arg Add an additional point (one or more) with
coordinates on a Google map Example: --add-points 36.2:-115.3:[Label1]
[38.5:-112.6:[Label2]] ...
--localtime Set a Local time in output messages in MSG format
(default: UTC)
--filter-expire arg Filter expire time, sec (default: 20)
--valid-adsb arg Set parameters of validation for ADS-B messages:
Example: --valid-adsb 1:2 (default 6:12, max 10:60)
--valid-modes arg Set parameters of validation for Mode S messages:
If count set to 0, then only messages with correct
parity will be accepted as valid
Example: --valid-modes 10:4 (default 0:5, max
--filter-nocountry Allow messages with unassigned ICAO24 addresses
(default: off)
--filter-dup arg Enable Duplicate filter (default: off)
--flight-expire-time arg Flight expire time, seconds (default: 3600)
--log-noconsole Disable logging to console (default: on)
--log-file arg Enable logging to file (default: off)
--log-level arg Set logging level 0..5 (default: 4)
0 disabled, 1 error, 2 warning, 3 notice, 4 info
5 debug
--metric Switch to metric system of distance measurement
(default: imperial)
Normally you should be able to use dump1090-fa as a relay for the data.
But you can’t modify the main dump1090-fa configuration file on a piaware sd-card installation.
So you need to run a 2nd dump1090-fa for which you can change the settings.
Edit: For piaware sd-card you can run a 2nd dump1090-fa independently, for example with combine1090:
Install it and open the configuration as shown on the github page.
Change the target to localhost:29001 TARGET=
Modify source and port accordingly to where your microadsb receiver is offering AVR data. SOURCES=
(Ip address where your microADSB is offering data PORTS=30002
Make sure the settings are active: sudo systemctl restart combine1090
Point piaware at localhost:29005 for the beast data.
Thanks for your reply. I’ve made the changes to the configuration file you requested and it has resolved the issue with modesmixer2. Thank You. The current modesmixer2 config file shown below:
I’ve now installed PiAware via this this link to use the loopback IP and the outServer port: 30006 of modesmixer2. My PiAware config is shown below:
sudo nano /etc/piaware.conf
allow-manual-updates yes # updated by fa_piaware_config
receiver-port 30006
receiver-type other
The problem is now that according to piaware isn’t producing any data? Should I change the ‘receiver-type - other’ to ‘receiver-type relay’?
It should be noted though that I live in a remote area, currently without any aircraft overhead. A copy of the piaware logs is shown below:
sudo piaware-status
PiAware master process (piaware) is running with pid 522.
PiAware ADS-B client (faup1090) is running with pid 548.
PiAware ADS-B UAT client (faup978) is not running.
PiAware mlat client (fa-mlat-client) is not running.
modesmixer2 (pid 527) is listening for connections on port 30006.
no program appears to be listening for connections on port 30978.
faup1090 is connected to the ADS-B receiver.
faup978 is NOT connected to the ADS-B UAT receiver.
piaware is connected to FlightAware.
got ‘couldn’t open socket: connection refused’
the ADS-B data program at is NOT producing data on
(1) Did it start feeding Flightaware after you changed --outConnect to --outServer ?
(2) Did you see any planes on the modesmixer2 map? To see a map you have to
(a) enter --location xx.xxx:yy.yy
(b) put a space then backward slash \ after --web 8787
No, I cannot see any planes on the modesmixer2 map.
(1) Did it start feeding Flightaware after you changed --outConnect to --outServer ?
Flightaware is connected to the feed from the RaspberryPi but the RaspberryPi it is not outputting any data. Please see my logs below.
(a) enter --location xx.xxx:yy.yy (b) put a space then backward slash \ after --web 8787
This was removed by the copy and paste I used. The dashes and backslashes are already in the configuration. Sorry about that.
FlightAware Logs:
[2019-07-19 16:23 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 16:28 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 16:33 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 16:43 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 16:48 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 16:53 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:03 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:08 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:23 +0630] no new messages received in 3889 seconds, it might just be that there haven’t been any aircraft nearby but I’m going to try to restart everything, just in case…
[2019-07-19 17:23 +0630] faup1090 exited with SIG SIGHUP
[2019-07-19 17:23 +0630] ADS-B data program ‘modesmixer2’ is listening on port 30006, so far so good
[2019-07-19 17:23 +0630] Starting faup1090: /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr --net-bo-port 30006 --stdout
[2019-07-19 17:23 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:28 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:33 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:38 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:43 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:48 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:53 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 17:58 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 18:03 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 18:08 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 18:13 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 18:18 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 18:23 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 18:28 +0630] no new messages received in 3889 seconds, it might just be that there haven’t been any aircraft nearby but I’m going to try to restart everything, just in case…
[2019-07-19 18:28 +0630] faup1090 exited with SIG SIGHUP
[2019-07-19 18:28 +0630] Started faup1090 (pid 2443) to connect to modesmixer2
[2019-07-19 18:28 +0630] ADS-B data program ‘modesmixer2’ is listening on port 30006, so far so good
[2019-07-19 18:28 +0630] Starting faup1090: /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr --net-bo-port 30006 --stdout
[2019-07-19 18:28 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 18:38 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 18:48 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 18:58 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 19:03 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 19:08 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 19:13 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2019-07-19 19:18 +0630] 0 msgs recv’d from modesmixer2 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo piaware-status
PiAware master process (piaware) is running with pid 518.
PiAware ADS-B client (faup1090) is running with pid 2443.
PiAware ADS-B UAT client (faup978) is not running.
PiAware mlat client (fa-mlat-client) is not running.
modesmixer2 (pid 520) is listening for connections on port 30006.
no program appears to be listening for connections on port 30978.
faup1090 is connected to the ADS-B receiver.
faup978 is NOT connected to the ADS-B UAT receiver.
piaware is connected to FlightAware.
got ‘couldn’t open socket: connection refused’
ModeSmixer2 Logs:
2019-07-18 18:08:02.814 INFO Magnetic declination calculated
2019-07-18 18:08:02.839 INFO outServer(beast:30006) started
2019-07-18 18:08:02.849 INFO inConnect( connecting
2019-07-18 18:08:02.853 INFO inConnect( connected
2019-07-18 18:08:06.249 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-18 19:08:07.667 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-18 19:08:18.825 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-18 19:36:59.453 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-18 19:37:00.594 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-18 19:38:15.626 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-18 19:38:16.774 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-18 20:43:07.673 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-18 20:43:18.852 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-18 21:48:07.676 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-18 21:48:18.856 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-18 22:53:07.681 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-18 22:53:17.861 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-18 23:58:07.686 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-18 23:58:17.860 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 01:03:07.691 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 01:03:18.843 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 02:08:07.696 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 02:08:18.873 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 03:13:07.700 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 03:13:18.854 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 04:18:07.705 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 04:18:18.884 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 05:23:07.708 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 05:23:18.893 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 06:28:07.712 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 06:28:18.893 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 07:33:07.716 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 07:33:18.903 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 08:38:07.720 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 08:38:18.900 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 09:43:07.727 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 09:43:18.915 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 10:48:07.727 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 10:48:18.907 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 11:53:07.731 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 11:53:18.912 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 12:58:07.735 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
2019-07-19 12:58:18.908 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 13:53:49.529 INFO outServer(beast:30006) connected
2019-07-19 13:54:49.533 INFO outServer(beast:30006) disconnected
Yes, the microADSB is currently not producing any data as there’s no planes nearby. In a little while QFA9 will be close enough. When I’m normally feeding to FlightRadar, I typically see about 20 aircraft per day.
Are you sure port 30005 is correct?
Yes, port 30005 is correct. It is what I used in my previous setup.