Fatal Crash in Virginia

A Lancair 400 crashed last night trying to land at Stafford Regional Airport. Original plan was to land at Shannon Airport in Fredericksburg, VA, but the news article says it diverted.



That was the 2nd fatal crash within the Washington Metro area within the 24hrs. See other post below…

Very sad…

Article and image from the Free Lance-Star

Whoa! Got your name in that paper and EVERYTHING! Cool! When do the autographed copies go on sale?

I’ll wait to sign my hedcut portrait in the WSJ :wink:

Congratulations to Scott Carmine for his fantastic cartographic overlay to the FlightAware flight track!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we got access to county boundaries, major highways, and significant cities as display layers as part of the map zoom/recenter enhancement project? Add to that the expansion of the landing pattern as a map inset (as Carmine showed on his map). Supplement that with a selectable time-marker layer along the flight path. (Carmine missed that opportunity.) Wow, that would be a HOT map!

Oops, my crystal ball software just opened a pop-up window showing me that the manager of FA’s mapping project has just been jolted awake from a horrendous nightmare about people with outlandish requests about what they’d like to see on FA maps. My apologies for that! :smiling_imp: