FA issues Firefox?

In the past few days on Firefox the search bar is gone, the log in does not work and all in all the site looks “off”. Works as usual on IE, iPhone and Windows phone. Have not tried on Edge…

Any ideas?

Need more info. Firefox version.
OS version, win7/8/10,iOS , android, Linux or OS X.
If Windows, there were patches rolled out is week.

Firefox 43.0.4

Windows 10 Pro (all patches)

WatchGuard firewall with all services enabled (but it is not that as IE works).

I did also notice that I also can not log in with Firefox, but can on IE and the iPhone…in the image you see the search box is missing.

I have Win10(I installed the latest updates tonight) with Firefox 43.0.4 and it works for me.
I logged out and in again with no issues.

RECOR10 can you post the information from flightaware.com/fix

It’s working fine for me in Firefox 43.0.4 on Windows 7.

It looks like perhaps you’ve blocked our javascript or it became corrupted. If you’re not intentionally blocking it, try clearing your browser cache.

Your browser is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0
You are not using a mobile device
You are NOT using HTTPS
You do not appear to be behind a proxy server
Your public IP address is >removed<
You are not logged in.
You do not have a session id
You have cookies disabled
You have never successfully logged in to FlightAware from this computer and browser
You have never chosen a language (locale).
No default locale detected.
Your region is US US/en_US
Your javascript is working fine.
Time (zulu) is Sunday, 17-Jan-2016 21:28:43 GMT
JavaScript system clock: Sun Jan 17 2016 15:28:43 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
JavaScript timezone offset: 360 minutes (6 hours)
Your account can view 14 days of flight history

This is the same link from IE (Firefox is my default)

•Your browser is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
•You are not using a mobile device
•You are NOT using HTTPS
•You do not appear to be behind a proxy server
•Your public IP address is >removed<
•You are currently logged in.
•Your username is RECOR10
•Your user id is 829693
•Your session id is e6021cea3230…da00b24bf093
•You can accept cookies from FlightAware
•You have successfully logged in to FlightAware with this machine and browser at least one time in the past.
•You have never chosen a language (locale).
•No default locale detected.
•Your region is US US/en_US
•Your javascript is working fine.
•Time (zulu) is Sunday, 17-Jan-2016 21:30:23 GMT
•JavaScript system clock: Sun Jan 17 2016 15:30:23 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
•JavaScript timezone offset: 360 minutes (6 hours)
•Your account can view 4 months of flight history