F4 Clock

Back in 1970 something there were two F4’s that had a midair over my parents farm and crashed in one of our fields. They came and got the planes and searched the area for all of the parts. Sometimes when we would cultivate the field we would find different parts of the planes, and a few years after the crash my father found one of the clocks. I have this clock today, you can even see the impact marks from the crash.

Does anyone know how to find free information on military accidents over the internet? I would like to have a history of the accident.


Have you tried google.com, yahoo.com, ask.com, msn.com, aol.com or faa.gov?

Now that I think of it, does the FAA even post accident reports for military on there?

Guess I had better go find out for myself!!

I believe the military likes to keep its accident reports off of the Internet, at least the publicly accessible part. You need to have .MIL as part of your domain to access them.

Wow dami, you totally missed the point I tried to make to the newbie on my post…granted, it is hidden, but I figured you of all people would find it…

It’s Friday. Okay, Pika, that’s not a good excuse but it’s my story and I’m sticking to it!


Yea, I have tried to search all the engines and even newspapers but have had no results.

All that I could find was accident reports that you have to pay for.

You have now been cleared of all bad thoughts…



CONGRATS! We think you are one of the first!

:smiley: thanks.

Although I really like the clock, I was thinking of giving it to the family of the one pilot that died in the crash.

I might just have to run to the library sometime to see if they can point me in the right direction. :cry: I guess the internet doesn’t have it all.

I almost posted to ask the AF, but after rethinking that idea, it would probably be bad. If you know the name of the pilot, it shouldn’t be hard to find the family…maybe. If you don’t the library should have the newspaper from that day on microfilm or online. i know to find something out about my grandfather, I went to the library and looked at newspapers from the 50s and 60s to find articles about him.

Contact the local paper and the nearest big city paper as they would have the info or a good lead for you to follow. Some military investigations are made available to the public. I just read a report on the Thunderbird crash, it might have been on http://www.alexisparkinn.com/

I can’t remember where I saw it (they have the video on their site).