Excel Web Query

I used to be able to use Excel to use the Flight Aware data from a web query. But, now I am getting the following error:

It bums me out, I’m a bit of an excel junkie, I loved being able to use the Web Query to play around with the live data streaming from the site, but I’m not able to use it anymore. Any suggestions?

Are you using FlightXML or screen scraping?

I’m not sure what either of those are, so I’m going to say neither. Excel has an import data from the web function that allows refreshable real time data queries based on tables. It did use to work, but doesn’t anymore.

You can see what I mean:


Thanks for the prompt reply though. I’m sure I’m just SOL, but I wanted to voice frustration.

Actually I looked up the term screen scraping, and I think that’s what I’m trying to do, although that sounds like a malicious term- which I’m not trying to be.

What you’re trying to do violates item 5 under “Your Obligations To FlightAware” in the Terms of Use.

Oh. Well, I was… uh… just asking for a friend. I’ll tell him what a jerk he is for trying to violate the terms. Thanks.

Tell your friend he’s a dirty, screen-scraping so-and-so! :laughing: