Error "failed to create temporary table"

Good morning.
Suddenly from now when I use to calls to FlightXML2.AirlineFlightSchedules I always get this error:
‘failed to create temporary table’
Can anyone help me?
thank you very much

I am also getting this error.

Also, when it was working, this API wasn’t returning information about flights to/from/within Australia. Any reason for this?

NEW: As a U.S. Air Force (USAF) user of Flight Aware data tracks, I am pleased with Flight Aware Staff’s quick responsiveness to forum questions to restore accessibility and to help us understand our own incomplete request.

Thanks again.
Douglas Cook

OLD: As a U.S. Air Force (USAF) user of Flight Aware data tracks, I am concerned about possible loss of confidence in the completeness of Flight Aware’s tracks through the API. Complete absence of any Australia data, yesterday and today, through the API, yet on the website, Australia tracks can been seen. Disappearance of Australia data from API pulls is resulting in an invalid data set for USAF use.

The “failed to create temporary table” error should be fixed now. There was a database permissions change yesterday that caused that regression.

islandofoahu, I am not aware of any current Australia data coverage limitations. Your user does not appear to be enrolled in FlightXML at all–are you using a different user account for your queries? Are you saying that you were able to query Australia data prior to yesterday or did you only start to use FlightXML yesterday? (Also be aware that to see any Australia data through FlightXML, you must initially request an API key with the Australia non-redistribution data agreement checkbox selected. There are legal redistribution requirements for the Australia-sourced data specifically that requires us to do that.)

Hi bovineone,

I am islandofoahu’s developer.

Just got off the phone with FlightAware’s support and they helped enable the Australian data checkbox.

Thanks for looking into this issue for us (and everyone else)!

matthewfleming, the AirlineFlightSchedules API only includes data from certain airlines that choose to publish their flight schedules to us months in advance, which generally tends to be only the larger airlines (with a bias towards airlines that service the US). The airlines covered by AirlineFlightSchedules indeed represents a subset of the airlines that we get for normal flight tracking coverage, but that is a limitation of the data sources provided to us. However, just because AirlineFlightSchedules lacks a particular airline, you still might be able to track it via FlightInfoEx and other FlightXML functions as the flight is closer to departure.