Dump1090 MySQL Database Script - E-Mail-Alert Lat/Lon/Alt/Hex/Flight-Filter

go here - new thread Dump1090 MySQL Database Script with Alert and Filter

### Final Version - 5 Minute Express Install HowTo ###
writes Dump1090 data to database and e-mail alerts on special events. you can set how often the script writes to database and looks for alert condition. you can specify the area (lat/lon/alt) to be observed and filter for special hex and/or flight numbers.

please do not abuse my script to generate and publish the flightaware-mlat-data anywhere - this data is only meant for your personal use. you find additional information here: FlightAware MLAT Network Announcement

2017_09_12 23:54 UTC: one bug in the flight-filter, one that aircrafts weren’t deleted from already alert sent list, one where aircrafts without altitude but position were written to database and/or email-alert and one that allowed too many aircrafts to pass hex/flight filter - now debugged.

2017_09_21 19:40 UTC: added new wildcard-search for hex- and flight-numbers. you can now use % for each unknown character in addition upper/lower case does not matter anymore. in addition you can set now hex/flight filter to operate only within lat/lon/alt limit or within whole range of site. better database error handling added. script now does not quit even if database is shut down and automatically resumes db writing as soon as db is again up. added pushover.net alert type.

but be aware what you are doing with this filters! e.g. if you have a site with good reception you maybe see 300 aircrafts in parallel, then if you put 500 hex- and 500 flight-numbers in your text-files and set the frequency to load fresh aircraft.json every second - then you end up with 300,000 wildcard-match-tests per second. not a good idea on the raspi cpu wise. php7 that comes with raspbian stretch is about 3-10 times faster than php5 if someone wants to do really crazy things with the script.

i wrote this script first just to dump some of the aircrafts in my neighborhood and their data to a database. then somebody wanted an alert and later another hex/flight filtering. at my site the script and mysql server runs 24/7 on a mac-mini-server - but for those who want run this direct on a raspberry i made a short howto. but be aware that the raspi runs from a sd-card and does not have unlimited disk-space nor is the sd-card too happy with too extensive data-writing. at my site i have around 175 aircrafts simultaneously over the whole day. so if i write every second a dataset for each i get more than 15,000,000 table-rows a day! that means you should use the scripts filter, set an higher intervall and probably use an external usb-harddrive. e.g. if i filter an area where i have only 15 aircrafts around the day and then just write every 60 seconds to database then i get about 20.000 entries a day instead of more than 15 millions!

p.s. the howto below is dedicated to forum member abcd for his huge efforts to help others in this forum :slight_smile: hopefully he is fine with my first attempt …

git install:

git clone --depth=1 http://github.com/TomMuc1/Dump1090-MySQL-Alert-Filter.git

the script to do your own daily aircraft-count directly on the raspberry pi without database you find here: Daily Log/E-Mail Aircraft Report directly on your RaspberryPi

5 Minute Express Install HowTo

given raspbian jessie install with dump1090 with lighttpd

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sendmail
sudo apt-get install php5-common php5-cgi php5-mysql php5-sqlite php5-curl php5
sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi
sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php
sudo service lighttpd force-reload
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

sudo shutdown -r now

mysql -u root -p


USE adsb;

CREATE TABLE `aircrafts` (
  `date` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `now` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `hex` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `flight` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `altitude` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `lat` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `lon` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `track` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `speed` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `vert_rate` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `seen_pos` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `seen` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `rssi` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `messages` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `category` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `squawk` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `nucp` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `mlat` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `tisb` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_german1_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=11750 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_german1_ci;

SHOW COLUMNS IN aircrafts;

ctrl + z

php radar.php

run the script for some seconds/minutes until it says xxx inserted then stop script with ctrl + z

mysql -u root -p

USE adsb;

SELECT * FROM aircrafts;

et voila :)

p.s. for raspbian stretch the php-install line is:
sudo apt-get install php7.0-common php7.0-cgi php7.0-mysql php7.0-sqlite php7.0-curl php7.0

p.p.s. the new mariadb (aka mysql) that comes with stretch is somewhat stupid with the root password.
these steps help to get back the old behavior:

sudo mysql -u root -p (leave password empty)
update mysql.user set password=password('YOUR_DB_PASSWORD') where user='root';
update mysql.user set plugin='' where user='root';
flush privileges;



#ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

// below a sample create statement for database table
// CREATE TABLE aircrafts (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, date VARCHAR(100), now VARCHAR(100), hex VARCHAR(100), flight VARCHAR(100), altitude VARCHAR(100), lat VARCHAR(100), lon VARCHAR(100), track VARCHAR(100), speed VARCHAR(100), vert_rate VARCHAR(100), seen_pos VARCHAR(100), seen VARCHAR(100), rssi VARCHAR(100), messages VARCHAR(100), category VARCHAR(100), squawk VARCHAR(100), nucp VARCHAR(100), mlat VARCHAR(100), tisb VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (id))

// set the rectangle and altitude to store aircraft-data in database - if your lon is negative be aware to use the right values for max and min
$user_set_array['max_lat'] = 50.000000;    $user_set_array['min_lat'] = 46.000000;    $user_set_array['max_alt'] = 10000;
$user_set_array['max_lon'] = 14.000000;    $user_set_array['min_lon'] = 10.000000;

// set the rectangle and altitude to send alert message - if your lon is negative be aware to use the right values for max and min
$user_set_array['alert_max_lat'] = 49.000000;    $user_set_array['alert_min_lat'] = 47.000000;    $user_set_array['alert_max_alt'] = 5000;
$user_set_array['alert_max_lon'] = 13.000000;    $user_set_array['alert_min_lon'] = 11.000000;

// set lookup-interval default is 1 (must be integer between 1 - 900) this is the frequency the script runs and writes to database or looks for alerts
$user_set_array['sleep'] = 1;

// set your google email-address for alert-messages - if you want to use mailer.php instead gmail set method 'gmail' to 'webmail' or 'pushover' and a key according to mailer.php
$user_set_array['alert_method'] = 'gmail'; $user_set_array['email_address'] = 'YOUR_EMAIL@gmail.com'; $user_set_array['secret_email_key'] = 'YOUR_USER_KEY';

// set parameters for database connection
$user_set_array['db_name'] = 'adsb'; $user_set_array['db_host'] = ''; $user_set_array['db_user'] = 'USERNAME'; $user_set_array['db_pass'] = 'PASSWORD';

// set path to aircraft.json file
$user_set_array['url_json'] = '';

// set path to your mailer.php file
$user_set_array['url_mailer'] = 'http://YOUR_WEBSPACE.COM/mailer.php';

// set the absolute limit of alert-messages (default is 1000) this script is allowed to send over its whole runtime
$user_set_array['mailer_limit'] = 1000;

// set aircraft suspend time (default is 900) - change only if needed - time in seconds an aicraft is suspended from alert-messages after sending an alert-message for this aircraft
$user_set_array['aircraft_suspend_time'] = 900;

// set this to true if you want alerts and/or database writes from those aircrafts matching your hex_code_array.txt or flight_code_array.txt files within limited area or whole site-range, with or without wildcards
$user_set_array['filter_mode_alert'] = false;    $user_set_array['filter_mode_alert_limited'] = false;
$user_set_array['filter_mode_database'] = false;     $user_set_array['filter_mode_database_limited'] = false;
$user_set_array['filter_mode_wildcard'] = false;

// set path to your hex_code_array.txt and flight_code_array.txt files
$user_set_array['hex_file_path'] = '/home/pi/hex_code_array.txt';
$user_set_array['flight_file_path'] = '/home/pi/flight_code_array.txt';

// set your timezone see http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
$user_set_array['time_zone'] = 'America/Chicago';

function func_wildcard_search($code, $user_code_array, $wildcard_mode) {
	$match = false;
	$code = strtoupper($code);
	if ($wildcard_mode) {
		foreach ($user_code_array as $pattern) {
			if (preg_match('/^' . trim($pattern) . '$/', $code)) $match = true;
	} else {
		$user_code_array = array_map('trim', $user_code_array);
		if (in_array($code, $user_code_array)) $match = true;
	return $match;

$i = 0;
$alert_message = '';
$sent_alert_messages = 0;
$alert_trigger_array = array();
$start_time = time();

while (true) {

	$x = 0;
	$sql = '';
	$start_loop_microtime = microtime(true);
	$json_data_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($user_set_array['url_json']),true);
	if ($user_set_array['filter_mode_alert'] || $user_set_array['filter_mode_database']) {
		$hex_code_array = explode(',', str_replace('%', '.', strtoupper(file_get_contents($user_set_array['hex_file_path']))));
		$flight_code_array = explode(',', str_replace('%', '.', strtoupper(file_get_contents($user_set_array['flight_file_path']))));

	// loop through aircraft.json file
	foreach ($json_data_array['aircraft'] as $row) {
		isset($json_data_array['now']) ? $ac_now = $json_data_array['now'] : $ac_now = '';
		isset($row['hex']) ? $ac_hex = $row['hex'] : $ac_hex = '';
		isset($row['flight']) ? $ac_flight = trim($row['flight']) : $ac_flight = '';
		isset($row['altitude']) ? $ac_altitude = $row['altitude'] : $ac_altitude = '';
		isset($row['lat']) ? $ac_lat = $row['lat'] : $ac_lat = '';
		isset($row['lon']) ? $ac_lon = $row['lon'] : $ac_lon = '';
		isset($row['track']) ? $ac_track = $row['track'] : $ac_track = '';
		isset($row['speed']) ? $ac_speed = $row['speed'] : $ac_speed = '';
		isset($row['vert_rate']) ? $ac_vert_rate = $row['vert_rate'] : $ac_vert_rate = '';
		isset($row['seen_pos']) ? $ac_seen_pos = $row['seen_pos'] : $ac_seen_pos = '';
		isset($row['seen']) ? $ac_seen = $row['seen'] : $ac_seen = '';
		isset($row['rssi']) ? $ac_rssi = $row['rssi'] : $ac_rssi = '';
		isset($row['messages']) ? $ac_messages = $row['messages'] : $ac_messages = '';
		isset($row['category']) ? $ac_category = $row['category'] : $ac_category = '';
		isset($row['squawk']) ? $ac_squawk = $row['squawk'] : $ac_squawk = '';
		isset($row['nucp']) ? $ac_nucp = $row['nucp'] : $ac_nucp = '';
		isset($row['mlat']) ? $ac_mlat = implode(' ', $row['mlat']) : $ac_mlat = '';
		isset($row['tisb']) ? $ac_tisb = implode(' ', $row['tisb']) : $ac_tisb = '';

		// generate sql insert statement per aircraft in range of user set altitude/latitude/longitude and optionally according only to hex or flight numbers in hex_code_array.txt and flight_code_array.txt
		#var_dump($hex_code_array); var_dump($flight_code_array); // show arrays for debug
		if ($user_set_array['filter_mode_database'] && $user_set_array['filter_mode_database_limited']) {
			if (($ac_altitude != '' && $ac_altitude < $user_set_array['max_alt'] && $ac_lat < $user_set_array['max_lat'] && $ac_lat > $user_set_array['min_lat'] && $ac_lon < $user_set_array['max_lon'] && $ac_lon > $user_set_array['min_lon']) && (func_wildcard_search($ac_hex, $hex_code_array, $user_set_array['filter_mode_wildcard']) || ($ac_flight != '' && func_wildcard_search($ac_flight, $flight_code_array, $user_set_array['filter_mode_wildcard'])))) {
				$sql .= "INSERT INTO aircrafts VALUES (NULL, '" . date("Y-m-d G:i:s l", $ac_now) . "', '$ac_now', '$ac_hex', '$ac_flight', ";
				$sql .= "'$ac_altitude', '$ac_lat', '$ac_lon', '$ac_track', '$ac_speed', '$ac_vert_rate', '$ac_seen_pos', '$ac_seen', ";
				$sql .= "'$ac_rssi', '$ac_messages', '$ac_category', '$ac_squawk', '$ac_nucp', '$ac_mlat', '$ac_tisb');";
				$sql .= PHP_EOL;
		} else if ($user_set_array['filter_mode_database']) {
			if (($ac_altitude != '' && $ac_altitude < $user_set_array['max_alt'] && $ac_lat < $user_set_array['max_lat'] && $ac_lat > $user_set_array['min_lat'] && $ac_lon < $user_set_array['max_lon'] && $ac_lon > $user_set_array['min_lon']) || (func_wildcard_search($ac_hex, $hex_code_array, $user_set_array['filter_mode_wildcard']) || ($ac_flight != '' && func_wildcard_search($ac_flight, $flight_code_array, $user_set_array['filter_mode_wildcard'])))) {
				$sql .= "INSERT INTO aircrafts VALUES (NULL, '" . date("Y-m-d G:i:s l", $ac_now) . "', '$ac_now', '$ac_hex', '$ac_flight', ";
				$sql .= "'$ac_altitude', '$ac_lat', '$ac_lon', '$ac_track', '$ac_speed', '$ac_vert_rate', '$ac_seen_pos', '$ac_seen', ";
				$sql .= "'$ac_rssi', '$ac_messages', '$ac_category', '$ac_squawk', '$ac_nucp', '$ac_mlat', '$ac_tisb');";
				$sql .= PHP_EOL;
		} else {
			if ($ac_altitude != '' && $ac_altitude < $user_set_array['max_alt'] && $ac_lat < $user_set_array['max_lat'] && $ac_lat > $user_set_array['min_lat'] && $ac_lon < $user_set_array['max_lon'] && $ac_lon > $user_set_array['min_lon']) {
				$sql .= "INSERT INTO aircrafts VALUES (NULL, '" . date("Y-m-d G:i:s l", $ac_now) . "', '$ac_now', '$ac_hex', '$ac_flight', ";
				$sql .= "'$ac_altitude', '$ac_lat', '$ac_lon', '$ac_track', '$ac_speed', '$ac_vert_rate', '$ac_seen_pos', '$ac_seen', ";
				$sql .= "'$ac_rssi', '$ac_messages', '$ac_category', '$ac_squawk', '$ac_nucp', '$ac_mlat', '$ac_tisb');";
				$sql .= PHP_EOL;

		// set and modify alert-trigger-array and build alert-message optionally according only to hex or flight numbers in hex_code_array.txt and flight_code_array.txt
		if ($user_set_array['filter_mode_alert'] && $user_set_array['filter_mode_alert_limited']) {
			if (($ac_altitude != '' && $ac_altitude < $user_set_array['alert_max_alt'] && $ac_lat < $user_set_array['alert_max_lat'] && $ac_lat > $user_set_array['alert_min_lat'] && $ac_lon < $user_set_array['alert_max_lon'] && $ac_lon > $user_set_array['alert_min_lon']) && (func_wildcard_search($ac_hex, $hex_code_array, $user_set_array['filter_mode_wildcard']) || ($ac_flight != '' && func_wildcard_search($ac_flight, $flight_code_array, $user_set_array['filter_mode_wildcard'])))) {
				if (!array_key_exists($ac_hex, $alert_trigger_array)) {
					$alert_message_subject = urlencode('### STRAFER-ALERT ### ' . $ac_flight  . ' ' . $ac_hex . ' : ' . $ac_lat . ' ' . $ac_lon . ' : ' . $ac_altitude . 'ft @ ' . date('Y-m-d G:i:s l', $ac_now));
					$alert_message_body = urlencode($ac_flight  . ' ' . $ac_hex . ' : <a href="http://www.google.com/maps/place/' . $ac_lat . ',' . $ac_lon . '/@' . $ac_lat . ',' . $ac_lon . ',12z">' . $ac_lat . ' ' . $ac_lon . '</a> : ' . $ac_altitude . 'ft @ ' . date('Y-m-d G:i:s l', $ac_now));
					$alert_message = 'key=' . $user_set_array['secret_email_key'] . '&subject=' . $alert_message_subject . '&body=' . $alert_message_body;
					if ($ac_hex) {
						$alert_trigger_array[$ac_hex] = time();
						#var_dump($alert_trigger_array); // show array for debug
		} else if ($user_set_array['filter_mode_alert']) {
			if (($ac_altitude != '' && $ac_altitude < $user_set_array['alert_max_alt'] && $ac_lat < $user_set_array['alert_max_lat'] && $ac_lat > $user_set_array['alert_min_lat'] && $ac_lon < $user_set_array['alert_max_lon'] && $ac_lon > $user_set_array['alert_min_lon']) || (func_wildcard_search($ac_hex, $hex_code_array, $user_set_array['filter_mode_wildcard']) || ($ac_flight != '' && func_wildcard_search($ac_flight, $flight_code_array, $user_set_array['filter_mode_wildcard'])))) {
				if (!array_key_exists($ac_hex, $alert_trigger_array)) {
					$alert_message_subject = urlencode('### STRAFER-ALERT ### ' . $ac_flight  . ' ' . $ac_hex . ' : ' . $ac_lat . ' ' . $ac_lon . ' : ' . $ac_altitude . 'ft @ ' . date('Y-m-d G:i:s l', $ac_now));
					$alert_message_body = urlencode($ac_flight  . ' ' . $ac_hex . ' : <a href="http://www.google.com/maps/place/' . $ac_lat . ',' . $ac_lon . '/@' . $ac_lat . ',' . $ac_lon . ',12z">' . $ac_lat . ' ' . $ac_lon . '</a> : ' . $ac_altitude . 'ft @ ' . date('Y-m-d G:i:s l', $ac_now));
					$alert_message = 'key=' . $user_set_array['secret_email_key'] . '&subject=' . $alert_message_subject . '&body=' . $alert_message_body;
					if ($ac_hex) {
						$alert_trigger_array[$ac_hex] = time();
						#var_dump($alert_trigger_array); // show array for debug
		} else {
			if ($ac_altitude != '' && $ac_altitude < $user_set_array['alert_max_alt'] && $ac_lat < $user_set_array['alert_max_lat'] && $ac_lat > $user_set_array['alert_min_lat'] && $ac_lon < $user_set_array['alert_max_lon'] && $ac_lon > $user_set_array['alert_min_lon']) {
				if (!array_key_exists($ac_hex, $alert_trigger_array)) {
					$alert_message_subject = urlencode('### STRAFER-ALERT ### ' . $ac_flight  . ' ' . $ac_hex . ' : ' . $ac_lat . ' ' . $ac_lon . ' : ' . $ac_altitude . 'ft @ ' . date('Y-m-d G:i:s l', $ac_now));
					$alert_message_body = urlencode($ac_flight  . ' ' . $ac_hex . ' : <a href="http://www.google.com/maps/place/' . $ac_lat . ',' . $ac_lon . '/@' . $ac_lat . ',' . $ac_lon . ',12z">' . $ac_lat . ' ' . $ac_lon . '</a> : ' . $ac_altitude . 'ft @ ' . date('Y-m-d G:i:s l', $ac_now));
					$alert_message = 'key=' . $user_set_array['secret_email_key'] . '&subject=' . $alert_message_subject . '&body=' . $alert_message_body;
					if ($ac_hex) {
						$alert_trigger_array[$ac_hex] = time();
						#var_dump($alert_trigger_array); // show array for debug

		// delete aircraft after user set seconds from already-message-sent-trigger
		$outdated_entry = time() - $user_set_array['aircraft_suspend_time'];
		foreach ($alert_trigger_array as $key => $value) {
			if ($value < $outdated_entry) {

		// send alert-message, set absolute limit for maximum number of messages and reset alert-message
		if ($alert_message != '' && $sent_alert_messages < $user_set_array['mailer_limit']) {
			if ($user_set_array['alert_method'] == 'gmail') {
				$email = $user_set_array['email_address'];
				$header  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . PHP_EOL;
				$header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . PHP_EOL;
				$header .= 'From: ' . $user_set_array['email_address'] . PHP_EOL;
				$header .= 'Reply-To: ' . $user_set_array['email_address'] . PHP_EOL;
				$header .= 'X-Mailer: PHP ' . phpversion();
				mail($user_set_array['email_address'], urldecode($alert_message_subject), urldecode($alert_message_body), $header);
			} else if ($user_set_array['alert_method'] == 'pushover') {
				file_get_contents($user_set_array['url_mailer'] . '?mode=pushover&' . $alert_message);
			} else if ($user_set_array['alert_method'] == 'webmail') {
				file_get_contents($user_set_array['url_mailer'] . '?mode=webmail&' . $alert_message);
			$alert_message = '';


// write selected aircraft data to database
try {
	$db = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $user_set_array['db_host'] . ';dbname=' . $user_set_array['db_name'] . '', $user_set_array['db_user'], $user_set_array['db_pass']); $db_insert = '';
	if ($sql) { $db->exec($sql); $db_insert = 'inserted'; }
	$db = null;
} catch (PDOException $db_error) {
	$db_insert = 'db-error' . PHP_EOL . $db_error->getMessage();

// generate terminal output and set sleep timer to get minimum a full second until next aircraft.json is ready to get fetched
$runtime = (time() - $start_time);
$runtime_formatted = sprintf('%d days %02d:%02d:%02d', $runtime/60/60/24,($runtime/60/60)%24,($runtime/60)%60,$runtime%60);
($runtime > 0) ? $loop_clock = number_format(round(($i / $runtime),12),12) : $loop_clock = number_format(1, 12);
$process_microtime = (round(1000000 * (microtime(true) - $start_loop_microtime)));
print('process-time(us): ' . sprintf('%07d', $process_microtime) . ' - ' . $loop_clock . ' loops/s avg - since ' . $runtime_formatted . ' - run(s) ' . $i . ' -> ' . sprintf('%03d', $x) . ' dataset(s) => ' . $db_insert . PHP_EOL);



sample hex_code_array.txt

hex1, hex2, hex3

sample flight_code_array.txt

flight1, flight2, flight3



#ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

// set key (letters/numbers only) according to the key you set in radar.php
$user_key = 'YOUR_USER_KEY';

// set your email address if you want to use email alert
$user_email = 'YOUR_EMAIL@EMAIL.COM';

// set your pushover token and key if you want to use pushover alert
$pushover_api_token = 'YOUR_API_TOKEN'; $pushover_user_key = 'YOUR_USER_KEY';

isset($_GET['key']) ? $key = $_GET['key'] : $key = '';
isset($_GET['mode']) ? $mode = $_GET['mode'] : $mode = '';
isset($_GET['subject']) ? $subject = urldecode($_GET['subject']) : $subject = '';
isset($_GET['body']) ? $body = urldecode($_GET['body']) : $body = '';

if ($key == $user_key && $mode == 'webmail') {
	$header  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . PHP_EOL;
	$header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . PHP_EOL;
	$header .= 'From: ADS-B RADAR' . PHP_EOL;
	$header .= 'Reply-To: ' . $user_email . PHP_EOL;
	$header .= 'X-Mailer: PHP '. phpversion();
	mail($user_email, $subject, $body, $header);
} else if ($key == $user_key && $mode == 'pushover') {
	curl_setopt_array($ch = curl_init(), array(
		CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json',
		CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('token' => $pushover_api_token, 'user' => $pushover_user_key, 'message' => $body, 'html' => '1'),
