Data collecting script

Hi scripting experts!
I have been running a command for sometime that logs info on new aircraft I have not spotted before, it is basically reading port 30003 and dumping it to a text file through some egrep/grep filters.

Recently I scripted it up to try and get it to run daily instead of just leaving it running till I next checked as the output files were getting rather large.

Here is the script (
NOW=$(date +%d%m%Y-%H)
wget -O - -q | egrep --line-buffered ‘MSG,6’ | grep -Ev -f known.txt >> /home/pi/logs/$NOW.txt

The known.txt file is the list of ICAO hex codes I have seen (I update this manually), format is 00A2E4|00B290|00FCE8|06A066 etc…

If I run the script from a command prompt, it runs fine. If I schedule it to run from crontab (05 07 * * * /home/pi/ it is also fine

Now the issue I am having is how to kill the process everyday. I tried “00 07 * * * kill $(pgrep >/dev/null 2>&1)” to kill the process but it keeps running.

I suspect I need to target the wget commands instead. I am no expert on crontab and are only using the pi user one not root.

I also don’t fully understand the purpose of >/dev/null 2>&1 at the end of the crontab commands. When I ran my script with that it would start and immediately terminate, so I removed the >/dev/null 2>&1 statement and this issue went away, if I remove that from the terminate statement it kills the whole pi!


Hi Came across your script yesterday and thought it would be useful.
Unfortunately the dated txt file in logs is empty.
I am using modesdeco2 to output on 30003.
Testing with ZOC telnet software and reading msgs on screen .So the msg output is working.
Can you explain the Bash file script ,please.
wget -O - -q | egrep --line-buffered ‘MSG,6’ | grep -Ev -f known.txt >>