Daily Log/E-Mail Aircraft Report directly on your RaspberryPi

:laughing: :smile: :joy:

1 Like

thanks!! Changes are made on my systems so we’ll see what happens at 6pm (central time)

→ fixed a bug


#ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

// below a sample create statement for database table
// CREATE TABLE daily_report (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, report_date VARCHAR(100), transponder VARCHAR(100), messages VARCHAR(100), flight VARCHAR(100), category VARCHAR(100), squawk VARCHAR(100), first_seen VARCHAR(100), first_latitude VARCHAR(100), first_longitude VARCHAR(100), first_altitude VARCHAR(100), last_seen VARCHAR(100), last_latitude VARCHAR(100), last_longitude VARCHAR(100), last_altitude VARCHAR(100), low_dist VARCHAR(100), high_dist VARCHAR(100), low_rssi VARCHAR(100), high_rssi VARCHAR(100), mlat VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (id))

// set path to aircraft.json file
$user_set_array['url_json'] = '';

// set email and/or logfile and/or database option to true or false
$user_set_array['email'] = false;    $user_set_array['log'] = true;
$user_set_array['database'] = false;

// set path to directory where log files to store to
$user_set_array['log_directory'] = '/home/pi/ac_counter_log/';

// default path to temporary directory where tmp files to store to
$user_set_array['tmp_directory'] = '/run/ac_counter_tmp/';

// set your google email-address daily reports to send to
$user_set_array['email_address'] = 'YOUR_EMAIL@gmail.com';

// set the absolute limit of alert-messages default is 500
$user_set_array['mailer_limit'] = 500;

// set to true for units metric instead nautical
$user_set_array['metric'] = false;

// set parameters for database connection
$user_set_array['db_user'] = 'root';    $user_set_array['db_pass'] = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
$user_set_array['db_name'] = 'adsb';    $user_set_array['db_host'] = '';

// set only to true for script function test run -> will 3 times email/log/db after about 1/2/3 minutes
$user_set_array['test_mode'] = false;

// function to compute distance between receiver and aircraft
function func_haversine($lat_from, $lon_from, $lat_to, $lon_to, $earth_radius) {
	$delta_lat = deg2rad($lat_to - $lat_from);
	$delta_lon = deg2rad($lon_to - $lon_from);
	$a = sin($delta_lat / 2) * sin($delta_lat / 2) + cos(deg2rad($lat_from)) * cos(deg2rad($lat_to)) * sin($delta_lon / 2) * sin($delta_lon / 2);
	$c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1-$a));
	return $earth_radius * $c;

$i = 0;
$sent_messages = 0;
$tmp_write_trigger = 0;
$hex_array = array();
$start_time = time();
$current_day = date('Ymd');
$user_set_array['metric'] ? $earth_radius = 6371 : $earth_radius = 3440;

// fetch receiver.json and read receiver latitude and longitude
$json_receiver_location = json_decode(file_get_contents($user_set_array['url_json'] . 'receiver.json'), true);
isset($json_receiver_location['lat']) ? $rec_lat = $json_receiver_location['lat'] : $rec_lat = 0;
isset($json_receiver_location['lon']) ? $rec_lon = $json_receiver_location['lon'] : $rec_lon = 0;

// set csv-file column header names
$csv_header = '"Transponder"' . "\t" . '"Messages"' . "\t" . '"Flight"' . "\t" . '"Category"' . "\t" . '"Squawk"' . "\t" . '"First Seen"' . "\t" . '"First Latitude"' . "\t" . '"First Longitude"' . "\t" . '"First Altitude"' . "\t" . '"Last Seen"' . "\t" . '"Last Latitude"' . "\t" . '"Last Longitude"' . "\t" . '"Last Altitude"' . "\t" . '"Low Dist"' . "\t" . '"High Dist"' . "\t" . '"Low Rssi"' . "\t" . '"High Rssi"' . "\t" . '"Mlat"' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

// at script restart try to resume with already harvested data of this day
if (file_exists($user_set_array['tmp_directory'] . 'ac_counter.tmp') && date('Ymd') == date('Ymd', filemtime($user_set_array['tmp_directory'] . 'ac_counter.tmp'))) {
	$csv_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($user_set_array['tmp_directory'] . 'ac_counter.tmp'), true);
} else {
	$csv_array = array();

while (true) {

	$db_insert = '';
	$start_loop_microtime = microtime(true);

	// write about every 5 minutes a tmp-file to preserve already harvested data of this day
	if ($tmp_write_trigger == 300 && isset($csv_array)) {
		if (!file_exists($user_set_array['tmp_directory'])) mkdir($user_set_array['tmp_directory'], 0755, true);
		file_put_contents($user_set_array['tmp_directory'] . 'ac_counter.tmp', json_encode($csv_array), LOCK_EX);
		$tmp_write_trigger = 0;

	// at midnight generate csv-file and submit email and/or write log-file and/or database
	if ($current_day < date('Ymd') || ($user_set_array['test_mode'] && ($i == 60 || $i == 120 || $i == 180))) {
		$csv = '';
		$csv .= $csv_header;
		$current_day = date('Ymd');
		foreach ($csv_array as $key => $value) {
			$csv .= "\"\t\0" . implode("\"\t\"", str_replace('.', ',', $value)) . "\"" . PHP_EOL;
		if ($user_set_array['email'] == true && $sent_messages < $user_set_array['mailer_limit']) {
			$boundary = str_replace(' ', '.', microtime());
			$header = 'From: ' . $user_set_array['email_address'] . PHP_EOL;
			$header .= 'Reply-To: ' . $user_set_array['email_address'] . PHP_EOL;
			$header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . PHP_EOL;
			$header .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $boundary . '"' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
			$body = '--' . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
			$body .= 'Content-type:text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' . PHP_EOL;
			$body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
			$body .= number_format(count($csv_array), 0, ',', '.') . ' Aircrafts @ ' . number_format(array_sum(array_column($csv_array, 'msg')), 0, ',', '.') . ' Messages - Yesterday UTC' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
			$body .= '--' . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
			$body .= 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="ac_' . date('Y_m_d', time() - 86400) . '.xls"' . PHP_EOL;
			$body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . PHP_EOL;
			$body .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ac_' . date('Y_m_d', time() - 86400) . '.xls"' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
			$body .= chunk_split(base64_encode($csv)) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
			$body .= '--' . $boundary . '--';
			mail($user_set_array['email_address'], 'Daily Aircraft Stats', $body, $header);
		if ($user_set_array['log'] == true) {
			$file_to_write = gzencode($csv);
			$file_name_to_write = $user_set_array['log_directory'] . 'ac_' . date('Y_m_d_i', time() - 86400) . '.xls.zip';
			if (!file_exists($user_set_array['log_directory'])) mkdir($user_set_array['log_directory'], 0755, true);
			file_put_contents($file_name_to_write, $file_to_write, LOCK_EX);
		if ($user_set_array['database'] == true) {
			$sql = '';
			foreach ($csv_array as $key => $value) {
				$sql .= "INSERT INTO daily_report VALUES (NULL, '" . date('Ymd', time() - 86400) . "', '" . implode("', '", $value) . "');" . PHP_EOL;
			try {
				$db = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $user_set_array['db_host'] . ';dbname=' . $user_set_array['db_name'] . '', $user_set_array['db_user'], $user_set_array['db_pass']); $db_insert = '';
				if ($sql) { $db->exec($sql); $db_insert = 'inserted'; }
				$db = null;
			} catch (PDOException $db_error) {
				$db_insert = PHP_EOL . $db_error->getMessage();
		if (!$user_set_array['test_mode']) $csv_array = array();

	// fetch aircraft.json and read timestamp
	$json_data_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($user_set_array['url_json'] . 'aircraft.json'),true);
	isset($json_data_array['now']) ? $ac_now = date("Y-m-d G:i:s l", $json_data_array['now']) : $ac_now = '';

	// loop through aircraft section of aircraft.json file and generate csv_array that holds the data of whole day
	foreach ($json_data_array['aircraft'] as $row) {
		isset($row['hex']) ? $ac_hex = $row['hex'] : $ac_hex = '';
		isset($row['flight']) ? $ac_flight = trim($row['flight']) : $ac_flight = '';
		isset($row['category']) ? $ac_category = $row['category'] : $ac_category = '';
		isset($row['squawk']) ? $ac_squawk = $row['squawk'] : $ac_squawk = '';
		isset($row['altitude']) ? $ac_altitude = $row['altitude'] : $ac_altitude = '';
		isset($row['lat']) ? $ac_lat = $row['lat'] : $ac_lat = '';
		isset($row['lon']) ? $ac_lon = $row['lon'] : $ac_lon = '';
		isset($row['seen']) ? $ac_seen = $row['seen'] : $ac_seen = '';
		isset($row['rssi']) ? $ac_rssi = $row['rssi'] : $ac_rssi = '';
		isset($row['mlat']) ? $ac_mlat = implode(' ', $row['mlat']) : $ac_mlat = '';
		if ($ac_hex != '' && $ac_hex != '000000' && ($ac_seen != '' && $ac_seen < 1.2)) {
			$csv_array[$ac_hex]['hex'] = $ac_hex;
			isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['msg']) ? $csv_array[$ac_hex]['msg']++ : $csv_array[$ac_hex]['msg'] = 1;
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['flight']) && $ac_flight == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['flight'] = ''; }
			else if ($ac_flight != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['flight'] = $ac_flight; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['category']) && $ac_category == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['category'] = ''; }
			else if ($ac_category != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['category'] = $ac_category; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['squawk']) && $ac_squawk == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['squawk'] = ''; }
			else if ($ac_squawk != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['squawk'] = $ac_squawk; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_see']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_see'] == '') $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_see'] = $ac_now;
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lat']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lat'] == '') $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lat'] = $ac_lat;
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lon']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lon'] == '') $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lon'] = $ac_lon;
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_alt']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_alt'] == '') $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_alt'] = $ac_altitude;
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_see']) && $ac_now == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_see'] = ''; }
			else if ($ac_now != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_see'] = $ac_now; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lat']) && $ac_lat == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lat'] = ''; }
			else if ($ac_lat != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lat'] = $ac_lat; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lon']) && $ac_lon == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lon'] = ''; }
			else if ($ac_lon != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lon'] = $ac_lon; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_alt']) && $ac_altitude == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_alt'] = ''; }
			else if ($ac_altitude != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_alt'] = $ac_altitude; }
			$ac_lat && $ac_lon ? $ac_dist = round(func_haversine($rec_lat, $rec_lon, $ac_lat, $ac_lon, $earth_radius), 1) : $ac_dist = '';
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist'] == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist'] = $ac_dist; }
			else if ($ac_dist != '' && $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist'] > $ac_dist) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist'] = $ac_dist; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist'] == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist'] = $ac_dist; }
			else if ($ac_dist != '' && $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist'] < $ac_dist) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist'] = $ac_dist; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_rssi'])) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_rssi'] = $ac_rssi; }
			else if ($ac_rssi != '' && $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_rssi'] > $ac_rssi) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_rssi'] = $ac_rssi; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_rssi'])) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_rssi'] = $ac_rssi; }
			else if ($ac_rssi != '' && $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_rssi'] < $ac_rssi) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_rssi'] = $ac_rssi; }
			if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['mlat']) && $ac_mlat == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['mlat'] = ''; }
			else if ($ac_mlat != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['mlat'] = 'mlat'; }
			$last_run = time() - strtotime('today');

	// generate terminal output and set sleep timer to get minimum a full second until next aircraft.json is ready to get fetched
	$runtime = (time() - $start_time);
	$runtime_formatted = sprintf('%d days %02d:%02d:%02d', $runtime/60/60/24,($runtime/60/60)%24,($runtime/60)%60,$runtime%60);
	($runtime > 0) ? $loop_clock = number_format(round(($i / $runtime),6),6) : $loop_clock = number_format(1, 6);
	$process_microtime = (round(1000000 * (microtime(true) - $start_loop_microtime)));
	print('upt(us): ' . sprintf('%07d', $process_microtime) . ' - ' . $loop_clock . ' loops/s avg - since ' . $runtime_formatted . ' - run ' . $i . ' => ' . sprintf('%04d', count($csv_array)) . ' aircraft(s) @ ' . array_sum(array_column($csv_array, 'msg')) . ' msg today ' . $db_insert . PHP_EOL);


1 Like

Hi Tom

When I ran the status line this appeared, does it mean it is working correctly?

● ac_counter.service - ac_counter.php

Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ac_counter.service; enabled)

Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2017-12-25 17:11:57 UTC; 6s ago

Process: 7166 ExecStart=/home/pi/ac_counter.php (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
Main PID: 7166 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)

Dec 25 17:11:57 piaware systemd[1]: ac_counter.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC

Dec 25 17:11:57 piaware systemd[1]: Unit ac_counter.service entered failed state.

Thanks - this looks like what I’m looking for. Very helpful

1 Like

you’ll find the newest versions of both scripts on github TomMuc1 · GitHub

1 Like

did a tiny modification to the script - it now writes a ‘1’ instead of ‘mlat’ into mlat table column. this way it is easier for you to count the mlat-flights in excel-sheet or database. you find the updated script on github.

1 Like

obviously you did something wrong setting up the service …

Can someone point me to the initial setup of the database?

Thanks, exactly what I was looking for, works like a charm.

1 Like

no big deal - the script already runs some months just some miles from your site. btw. you’ll find the newest version of both scripts on github TomMuc1 · GitHub

Looking at my spreadsheet data I find the following:

Low Dist High Dist

7818,6 7832,4
7774,6 7832
7810,9 7831,2
7836,2 7842,9
7836,2 7846,4
7907,2 7908,1
7769,7 7813,8
7763,5 7845,2

I was expecting anything between 1nm and 250nm but not 7K. How do I remedy this?

I realised I had not set the lat,lon for the receiver location.

1 Like

Is it possible that an aircraft that lands at an airport may not get picked up as having landed as the xls is only logging the first and last distance and altitude received?

Thanks for your work on this!

1 Like

yes - the script name is aircraft counter. for detailed flight logs you can use my other script.

Planes have a wheel sensor that will turn on the “Ground” flag in ADSB messages. Once weight is on the wheels the ADSB transponder will report that the plane is on the ground. On the Skyview map the altitude will be “ground”.

Ground position messages are a bit different. You need the receiver lat/lon location to calculate the planes ground position messages. Also some air positions are only calculated from the receiver positions. See ADSB even and odd messages for more information.

FlightAware recommend that you have the receiver location set for optimal message decoding.

Also, a prostick with max gain will lose track of aircraft within a couple km. With the gain set to around 30ish your minimum message decoding is less than 1 km.
If you are near an airport it is recommended to lower the gain a bit until you can see planes taxing on the ground.

Planes on the ground will show on the Skyview map if you have both the receiver location and a lower gain set. These message will also be sent back to FlightAware.

so you can use 49.6 or -10 for aircraft 5 nautical miles or more ?
btw what about aircraft being directly overhead > FL100 ?

If you click on a plane on the Skyview map it will report the power of the incoming signal called RSSI (relative signal strength indicator). The value go from 0 dB (strongest signal) to about -40dB (weakest signal). Planes with a signal level from 0 to -2 dB are overloading the receiver and are hard to decode. Signal levels lower than -32dB are usually too weak to decode.

You can lower the signal strength (gain setting) until you see the strongest signal (closest planes) with a RSSI of around -2dB.

If the antenna is inside the building you have a reduction of about 6 to 20dB in signal power due to the walls. You can use a very high gain setting (40-50) and see very close by planes. You need the extra gain to counter the effects of the walls.

If the antenna is outside then a low gain (around 20-30) and you can see planes within a km or less. Incoming Signals higher than 0dB will not be decoded and you will not see anything from these planes. You need to lower the gain so the close by signals are not overloading the receiver.

so you can use 49.6 or -10 for aircraft 5 nautical miles or more ?
btw what about aircraft being directly overhead > FL100 ?

The receiver sweet spot is where it can decodes messages. This corresponds to incoming signal strength (RSSI) from about -2dB to about -35dB. If a plane signal is outside that range it can’t be decoded. Some people refer to this as the receiver donut effect (the receiver decodable messages look like a donut shape).
The gain settings move the inner and outer detection range.


I have planes flying close by 2km to 3km, maybe even less, when they approach EDDL for landing. The RSSI of this planes is higher than -2.0. According to the ADSB receiver performances graphs, the max is -0.6, and I regularly get these messages. It changes at night, as the airport has a curfew at around 11 to 6, I think.

Just for fun I tried lowering the gain to eliminate these messages with a signal strengh >-2.0. To my surprise, I had to go as low as a value of around 20, with significantly less messages per s and a/c. Just going to 30 did not seem to change much. That, with an FA antenna in the attic and a blue FA receiver + cavity filter.