Tar1090 -- improved webinterface for dump1090-fa and readsb

  1. the config cog seems to overlay badly on the table
  2. columns in table are good.
  3. buttons and flight details on the left seem ok
  4. the map zoom + - get hidden under flight detail, could the + - be moved ?

-one question, how do I remove the country flags ? I tried the
// Show country flags by ICAO addresses?
ShowFlags = false;
That blanked everything

Columns in the table can now be customized, add the following to your config.js:

// Columns that have a // in front of them are shown.
HideCols = [
//	"#flag",
//	"#flight",
//	"#aircraft_type",
//	"#squawk",
//	"#altitude",
//	"#speed",
//	"#distance",
//	"#rssi",

It’s not very intuitive but it works fine :slight_smile:

I’ll move the cog popup window somewhere near the cog.

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You really do a great job with all these tools that you provide us, and I thank you for all the time you spend for this community.

However I must admit that unfortunately, for the moment I will stop the updates for this interface, indeed I find the last version less beautiful, and less convenient to use than the previous one.

The human eye is naturally placed first on the right of an image, I find that the position of the menu on the left is much less convenient, and the information window on a flight is too narrow, and therefore less easy to read.

Do you think you’ll come back, or will it stay that way ?

In any case a big thank you for all the work you do for us !

And as said there are only fools who do not change their minds ! Maybe it’s time to get used to this new interface ;+)

I’ll wait a bit for reactions.

The bar on the side, i might be convinced to move it back.

The aircraft information window i like much much better this way, it doesn’t interfere with the list and generally most of the info i want is easier to see.
The font is somewhat suboptimal, so this may change.

You can downgrade to the old version if you wish.

cd /usr/local/share/tar1090/git
sudo git checkout -f 6b62ccddccfd8c629a9315ce0445f2942018d382
sudo bash install.sh test
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Thanks for your reply :+1:

I gotta say that i personally don’t use the button in that bar.
I just use the letter on the keyboard.

As such this is a change to accommodate wide screens.

I suppose the bar could be on the right side next to the table?
Maybe that’s indeed a better spot.
I’ll give that a try, but no guarantees.

I definitely like the aircraft information in it’s own column like the latest has it.
The old way of overlay in the right bottom quadrant and obscuring “part” of the
table needed some change… If it is really wanted to on the right… then completely
drop the table and replace it with the flight information… but I don’t like that any better.

As for the button bar… here is an idea… could it be a pop-up bar if the mouse/cursor is moved
over either the top or side of the map ? like a hot-key

No i don’t like that.

I want at least some basic compatibility with tablets, and it’s not as intuitive having to open a bar first with a click, then use it.

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Ok, then I would vote for buttons on the top or bottom, BUT with full names
like (T)racks and (L)abels and (B)rightness

The description is in the tooltip (which is not available on mobile, but hey you can’t have everything).
As i said, once you get used to it you shouldn’t need the full name and even be able to use the key on the keyboard instead of the button.

Top or bottom is very unlikely because of the aspect ratio of modern screens.
It’s valued real estate i don’t want to waste.

The bar is now on the right side.

That’s where generally the mouse is, so it’s a good fit.
I suppose i could move the aircraft details to the right side as well, not sure about that though.
Edit: the aircraft details don’t make a good fit on the right, they’ll stay on the left for now.

First impression, not too bad.

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I agree, New request for improvements… When the table gets long, the color code gets pushed
down below the scrolling window frame… could this part be locked so it doesn’t scroll away

I mean, that’s something you look at once, then you know what is what.
What you are asking is not wrong, but i just expect ppl to find the legend at the bottom.

@ac8dg @nicolasguiral
So you will probably hate the current iteration i guess?

Oh note that i’ve added some very simple position filtering.

You can configure / disable it via config.js:

// Filter implausible positions (required speed > Mach 3.5)
// positionFilter = true;
// positionFilterSpeed = 3.5; // in Mach

Put very simply, if a plane couldn’t have reached the new position at 3.5 Mach over ground, the new position is discarded.
There are provisions built in for an initial false position, so after a few new positions it will know the old position was the “wrong” one.

This should reduce the optical impact of malfunctioning / jumping transponder positions considerably.
Also nice for MLAT.

I don’t want to reduce the default filter speed, but personally i can set it lower to Mach 1.5 and it does a nice job of filtering outliers :slight_smile:

The transparent button bar is an improvement. I also like that table columns auto adjust their width to keep as many readable as possible, maybe that was already there… but combined being able to hide columns in the table… I would say everything an improvement … great job

This is pleasant to look at–

Maybe you could remove the “C” button, just pushing the “T” on/off works

Yeah, but it’s nice for people who use muliselect.
Though clicking that twice will also do the job.

For the buttons that are “on/off” , the B,V,T,M,L,O,K
could the color or font change when it has been selected ?

I’d rather not do that to be honest.

It makes it a little bit more complicated to use, but i don’t think i’d like the optics.
Maybe i’ll give it a try.

Last question for today… When (M)ultiple is chosen, a column for first
selected flight info appears, Could a second or third column for the successively
selected planes be added… I know it would start to fill up real estate on the map.