For years, I have had no problem staying logged in to this site. However, for the past week or so, I will come to this site logged in then after a few random clicks, I realize I have been logged out. I sign back in and within minutes, again, I get logged out. I was looking at ORD departures and I got “logged out” 5 times in 7 minutes.
Are you still having this issue?
Same here.
I tend to notice it when an auto page refresh happens (every 5 min?), then I am logged out…
A manual page refresh of the page shows me logged back in…
Confirmed and duplicated, auto page refresh, then I am logged out, but a manual page refresh indicates logged in.
Can you post the output of when you’re logged in (minus the session id) and after you automatically get logged out?
When logged in…
I have cookies ENABLED, only to receive from site I visit, blocked by 3rd party sites.
Your browser is Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.19.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.3 Safari/533.19.4
You are not using a mobile device
You may be behind a proxy
- x_forwarded_for:
Your public IP address is
You are currently logged in.
Your username is m3Spinner
Your user id is 93788
Your session id is
You have cookies disabled
You have successfully logged in to FlightAware with this machine and browser at least one time in the past.
Your chosen language is English (USA) (en_US)
Your default language is English (USA) (en_US)
Your region is US US/en_US
Your javascript is working fine.
Time (zulu) is Tuesday, 13-Sep-2011 23:55:58 GMT
Your account can view 4 months of flight history
When showing not logged in…
Session Diagnostics
Your browser is Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.19.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.3 Safari/533.19.4
You are not using a mobile device
You do not appear to be behind a proxy server
Your public IP address is
You are not logged in.
You do not have a session id
You have cookies disabled
You have never successfully logged in to FlightAware from this computer and browser
You have never chosen a language (locale).
No default locale detected.
Your region is US US/en_US
Your javascript is working fine.
Time (zulu) is Tuesday, 13-Sep-2011 23:47:45 GMT
Your account can view 14 days of flight history
Does it work with third party cookies enabled?
I have never had 3 rd party cookies enabled on this computer/account and did not have this problem weeks ago. I will try when I am back in the office.
I have not changed anything and the auto refresh does not boot me off anymore (3rd party cookies still blocked).
I will see how it goes throughout the day.
It is back…
When auto-refresh, page shows logged out, then manual page refresh shows logged in…without typing UN/Pass.
Just got logged out automatically when looking at the MIA airport tracking page.
Simply keep moving around the site and that should help.
Still getting logged out randomly. Is there any update on this?
I am also experiencing this.
Thanks, it helps to know more users are affected. We’re looking into it.
Is anyone still experiencing this?
I have not noticed it for at least a week or more. Honestly, I forgot about this issue…
It might be back…
I just noticed that I was not logged into, but I am logged in to
When at, when I enter my UN/Pass, no error msg comes up but I am taken back to whatever page I was on, still logged out. When I try a wrong pass, I get the error message asking to retry.
I’m continuing to make tweaks to the session management code in the hopes of uncovering this bug. Anyone still having problems? It would assist to have a specific username/session to track down through the logs and try to figure out where things are going wrong.
Thanks for your patience.