Bad day in the Northeast yesterday

Was trying to fly out of KALB last night (08MAR). Bad weather in the northeast forced several diversions, including:

Republic 3242 tried twice to land at KPVD twice, gave up and came to Albany for more fuel

Chautauqua 6317 had a LONG day. It made life even more pleasant in the terminal that there were about 30 children on this flight, who apparently thought that the airport was a playground, including an unused ticket counter! No one, including their chaperones, saw fit to do anything about it.

I also heard announcements about a diverted Continental Express flight, but missed the number.

My own flight (AWA4015) never even made it out of KPHL to come north. I gave up and bought a ticket on Southwest to KBAL. Even it was an hour late.

Sorry, just saw that this thread got started over in another forum.