Arrivial time.

I’m a new member. Have read a couple of posts about arrivial times.
It appears that the tracking is very accurate enroute but stops at hand off or at the FAA eta. Case in point; I was the Captain of N801PG from PANC to KGSO on 19 Nov. Approaching ROA the reported wx was 100 obscured, less than 1/4 mile. We entered holding at ROA at 1241Z at FL200. We departed holding at 1405Z and landed at KGSO at 1422Z. John Boling.

Times for previous flight for N801PG are also off a little. We departed RCTP at 0433Z and landed PANC at 1249Z. Aircraft is going to VARIG on lease. Will get new interior at KGSO. John Boling, Ferry Pilot. :slight_smile:

Hi John, may help on why the tracking stopped. You can see your hold at the end of the track, and probably when left the hold you were handed off to approach controller?? The link above will explain why the tracking stopped.

Hope this helps!


You held for an hour and 25 minutes?

Yea, we held for 1+25. Aircraft needed to go to Timco at KGSO. Wx was below mins. Would have taken more fuel to divert to KCLT or KRDU, wait it out then refuel and refile and come back. Also would have burned much more to go down, shoot an approach to a missed then climb back up or hold at a low alt. We had 4 hrs of fuel remaining when we entered the hold at FL200. We operate Part 91 and Cat I mins. John