Amended routings

Just wondering why amemded routings do not show up in tracking page. It will show the filed route, but if that is changed will not show the different route. Is it because flightaware only gets the route when it is filed?

Also change of destination will cause the page to show result unknown. Is there a way to have it update the show the new destination. Here is an example: … /KISM/KWDR
I was making this flight with the family, kids were asleep so we dicided to continue on the CHA to get a little closer to home. Many family members were tracking the flight and all became concerned with the result unknown shown in the arrival area. We had 4 messages on our cellphones when we landed from people wondering if we were ok. Thanks for the great product, it helps all the friends and family keep up with the flight.

Sorry about the diversion confusion & the impact it had on your family and friends. We handle some types of diversion properly but others aren’t being reflected accurately yet. We have a plan to correct this.

As far as changes in routing, we’re currently tracking these but not reflecting it on the web interface yet.

Thanks for the reply. It really wasn’t a problem, more humorous than anything else.