AirlineFlightSchedules query doesn't work


I modified the JQuery+Ajax sample code to get AirlineFlightSchedules data, but the code didn’t work. Would someone check it and let me know what’s wrong? Thanks a lot!

// When the button is clicked, fetch the details about the entered flight ident.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(‘#go_button’).click(function() {
type: ‘GET’,
url: fxml_url + ‘AirlineFlightSchedules’,
data: { ‘startDate’: 1357830291, ‘endDate’: 1357916691, ‘offset’: 0, ‘origin’: ‘KJFK’, ‘howMany’: 3},
success : function(result) {
// display some textual details about the flight.
var schedule =;
var faFlightID;
var table = new google.visualization.DataTable();
table.addColumn(‘string’, ‘Orig’);
table.addColumn(‘number’, ‘DepartureTime’);
table.addColumn(‘string’, ‘Actual Ident’);
table.addColumn(‘string’, ‘Destination’);
for (rowid = 0; rowid < schedule.length; rowid++) {
table.setCell(rowid, 0, schedule[rowid].orig);
table.setCell(rowid, 1, schedule[rowid].departuretime);
table.setCell(rowid, 2, schedule[rowid].actual_ident);
table.setCell(rowid, 3, schedule[rowid].destination);
//$(‘#results’).html('Flight ’ + schedule.ident + ’ from ’ + schedule.origin + ’ to ’ + flight.destination);
error: function(data, text) { alert('Failed to fetch AirlineSchedules: ’ + data); },
dataType: ‘jsonp’,
jsonp: ‘jsonp_callback’,
xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }

You will need to enable the Javascript debugger functionality within your browser to determine where your syntax error is. The FlightXML endpoint is working as expected and returning successful data: … &howMany=3