Context: Python, Flightaware ‘Silver Package’. AirlineFlightSchedules returns 150 records when queried for 1 day, however, the code below performs a query over several days and continues to return only 150 records. Therefore, I believe there is mechanism limiting the number of records returned.
Visualize the 150 records: Open the JSON viewer at codebeautify dot org slash jsonviewer Paste the raw json data URL
Note that in the code:
- MaxResults=2500
- SetMaximumResultSize is configured with payload = {‘max_size’ : int(MaxResults)}
- AirlineFlightSchedules is configured with payload: ‘howMany’ : int(MaxResults)
The 150 record limit is a system limit. I think that several queries can be sequentially performed. The pseudo code would be:
While response.RecordsReturned != 150
++recordBlock #point to the next 150 records
response = requests.get(fxmlUrl + “AirlineFlightSchedules”,params=payload, auth=(username, apiKey)) #get next 150 records
save 150 records to text file
end while
Is there another parameter that needs to be configured? NO: 150 record limit is a system limit
Where to begin troubleshooting to determine root cause? NONE: 150 record limit is a system limit
What is the reason for the 150 record limit? Can this raised to 1000?
Is there a simple command to determine the number of records returned?
import requests, time, json
timestr = time.strftime(“%Y%m%d-%H%M%S”)
username = “myUsername”
apiKey = “myApiKey”
fxmlUrl = “”MaxResults = 10*250
print “MaxResults=” + str(MaxResults)
payload = {‘max_size’ : int(MaxResults)}
response = requests.get(fxmlUrl + “SetMaximumResultSize”,params=payload, auth=(username, apiKey))#airlines = [‘B6’, ‘HA’, ‘TP’, ‘EI’] #Loop through each carrier
airlines = [‘B6’]
for airline in airlines:
print airline
t1 = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(“20.05.2018”, “%d.%m.%Y”)))
t2 = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(“29.05.2018”, “%d.%m.%Y”)))
payload = {‘start_date’ : str(t1), ‘end_date’ : str(t2), ‘origin’ : ‘KJFK’, ‘airline’ : airline, ‘exclude_codeshare’ : ‘True’, ‘howMany’ : int(MaxResults), ‘offset’ : ‘0’}
response = requests.get(fxmlUrl + “AirlineFlightSchedules”,params=payload, auth=(username, apiKey))if response.status_code == 200:
outputfilename = “AirlineFlightSchedules_” + airline + “_” + timestr + “.json” #each carrier has its .json file
print outputfilename
with open(outputfilename, ‘w’) as outfile:
json.dump(response.json(), outfile)
print “Error executing request: Response code not 200. Response=” + str(response.status_code)