FlightAware API - Errors with SetAlert all of a sudden

Hi -

Love your product. We’ve been testing some new integrations. All of a sudden last night, my calls to SetAlert are failing with either {error:“”} or now a brand new error:

{"error":"CODESHARE: Remapped ident DAL5114 to ASQ5114"}

I’ve never had an issue using the mainline carrier for codeshare flights. Did the API change overnight (I’m guessing not).

Here is a sample URL for SetAler ( I took out my org name and API keyt:

https://[mycompanyname]:[APIKEY]@flightxml.flightaware.com/json/FlightXML2/SetAlert?ident=DAL5114&date_start= <https://fullglasslabs:d5cbf63fdc619dcb02ad6b35010cb230f5f08c94@flightxml.flightaware.com/json/FlightXML2/SetAlert?ident=DAL5114&date_start=1471962203&date_end=1471962203&origin=ATL&channels={16%20e_filed%20e_departure%20e_arrival%20e_cancelled%20e_diverted}

This one simply returns {“error”:””} I’ve attempted to call SetAlert directly, through my app, and through Postman.

Thanks for any support you can provide. I’m pretty much stuck at this point.

EDIT: Looking in my account, there are actually Alerts set up. So it is the response that is the weird thing. Its not returning the Alert ID

Kane - Full Glass Labs

We’re looking into this SetAlert problem now and hope to have a fix for it soon. Your report that the alerts are actually getting created was a helpful insight.

Oh ok, so I’m not going crazy! You know that is sometimes half the battle.

Thanks for the response. Looking forward to the fix.

We believe this regression is fixed now. Let me know if you’re still having problems.

All good now. Thanks for the quick work.