Sneak Preview: FlightAware User Page

We’ve just started linking to FlightAware user pages from Squawks and Photos. If you’re submitted content to FlightAware, you have a user page already. Otherwise, you can enable your profile page by visiting any profile page (like mine) and clicking “View my page” at the top, then clicking the activate link. If you’re not a registered member, you should register now.

A couple user page examples:

The pages currently give a little information about yourself that you’ve chosen to release to the community as well as your endorsements, and submitted photos & squawks.

Be sure to activate yours now and upload a profile picture to get started. Then, you can share your URL (e.g., to others that you want to see your page.

Soon, you’ll be able to list your flights, add friends, send messages, view friends’ updates, and much more. Additionally, your profile information (photo, name, etc) will soon replace your FlightAware forum profile.

Thanks for using FlightAware & enjoy!