Piaware Skyview Question

Thanks in advance for any help or thoughts. Planes show up just fine on the Skyview map but when I go to the MyADS-B page the FLIGHTAWARE is in Red and says “feeder has recently checked in” Also there are no stats for the various dates. Again all sorts of planes show up on the map though.

The Newbie

I should add that my station position does not show on the map?

This means that there is some kind of network problem between your feeder and the FlightAware servers.

So how do I figure out thar

Are you having the same problem as the original poster?

The PiAware sdcard image shows network status on the console, that’s a good first place to look.
There is also a top-level status page (http://IP of the PI/) that will tell you about connectivity problems.

Both receivers/accounts have same problem.

You don’t need an account per receiver, BTW - just associate multiple receivers with your one account.

So is there a customer service help line? I type in http:// ip of the pi/ and nothing happens. Very frustrating

You can mail adsbsupport@flightaware.com

From what you have described so far it is a local network problem and you should check what the console status display says