How to relocate my RPi running dump 1090, piaware, fr24

I am about to relocate my setup.
I know that I will have to change the lat and long as well as the elevation of the setup, but I wanted to see if there is anything else that I am missing. It will be at an airport and I will be monitoring it from far away, so I want to make sure I don’t forget any details if IP addresses change and such.

Will IP addresses change? What code will I need to use to make sure that it continues to feed at this new locations?

What would you do if you were to relocate your setup to make sure all of the details were covered and the feed is able to continue

I am assuming that it is not as simple as plugging it in at the new location, connecting to the internet at that location, and walking away.

Arrange remote ssh access.

I am assuming that it is not as simple as plugging it in at the new location, connecting to the internet at that location, and walking away.

It should be exactly that simple if everything goes to plan (but you know what they say about plans)

I travel with a laptop and rpi. Changing IP addresses does not seem to affect anything. The laptop runs planeplotter and dump1090-win. I change the location in planeplotter. The script for dump1090 has LAT/LONG hard coded and is also change.

I don’t do much with the pi, except configure the location in the FA ADSB stats page.
Safe travels

Thanks! I will do some research and figure out how to arrange remote ssh.
I will post back here if there are any issues.

When setting up ssh use a long unpredictable password, or even better, use public key authentication and disable password authentication. …good instructions here: %between%

I have at my git: piawarebash scripts that will create a reverse ssh tunnel back home to a set endpoint. If this is of interest take a look at it, and come back to me with questions, if any…