How do I see what planes make up my stats?

Is there a way to see what planes make up my stats for, say, the last 6 hours?
And which are ADSB, which MLAT, etc
The last hour is great. That’s on the main stats page.
But before that?

My reason for asking…
In our area we have just achieved sufficient MLAT-sync’d receivers and started seeing our first MLAT reports
I am interested, therefore, to see what plane we saw with MLAT “a few hours back”.

The “hourly collection” line graph shows the numeric breakdown.
For specific aircraft you’ll either need to catch them live, or find them in the “flights with positions from this feeder” table.

That was what I feared.
A “within the last 24 hours” (that actually shows the whole 24 hours :slight_smile:) or “last week” might be a nice thing in future updates, although I admit that it would be ridiculous for the “busier” sites!

I’ve thought about building a script to parse my dump-1090 page and output some “enhanced” stats like traffic by airline/aircraft. Probably going to wait for winter and the end of the good weather, unless someone can point me to some good documentation.