Gain Adjustment

So what is the best way to test various gain levels on the pro-stick without having to wait 24 hours for stats on the dashboard to populate? Is the best way to just look at your local dump1090 web interface and eyeball it?

I really hope someone with the knowledge does a comprehensive write up on this matter. I guess we are quite few out there with the same issue regarding the gain adjustments.

What i really would like to see is a guide how to interpret the charts from dump1090 mutability, and what levels one should try to reach.

It is not easy. Each setup is different.
Someone could write a program to run for a few hours to work it out.

I have had good results running at 30/35 and max. I get a much lower noise floor at the 30/35 settings.
I am still experimenting. One change at a time.

Having collectd graphs from Joe’s scripts makes things a little easier. I am able to look back hours, days, weeks. I just need to note when I changed the settings.

If the gain is set to “0” does that effectively turn off the amp and it becomes basically a standard SDR dongle?

I’ve been wanting to setup a script to change the gain setting once every hour to test each setting and find the best results.

Unfortunately, that is a bit beyond what I know how to do. :laughing:

Next week I’ll have some time to figure out how to setup a cron job and a script to do this.

No - the gain adjustment is not changing the amplification of the extra LNA installed on the ProStick - same as with the standard dongles, it’s changing the gain of the amp that’s part of the tuner.

The additional LNA featured in the pro-stick has a fixed gain value.

The core concept behind the ProStick is the inclusion of the fixed-gain, higher quality, lower noise LNA should allow you to use a lower tuner gain setting - since the amp in the tuner introduces far more noise.

I wrote a script to sort of do this. I only ran for 15 second intervals because the amount of traffic can change a lot throughout the day. But you can try different durations.

It gives an output like:

test 1 of 10
gain= 49.6 messages= 771 positions= 41 planes= 49
gain= 48.0 messages= 742 positions= 43 planes= 51
gain= 44.5 messages= 785 positions= 37 planes= 51
gain= 40.2 messages= 677 positions= 35 planes= 51
gain= 37.2 messages= 743 positions= 32 planes= 48
gain= 32.8 messages= 711 positions= 37 planes= 46
test 2 of 10
gain= 49.6 messages= 667 positions= 32 planes= 44
test 10 of 10
gain= 49.6 messages= 757 positions= 43 planes= 49
gain= 48.0 messages= 814 positions= 37 planes= 51
gain= 44.5 messages= 830 positions= 37 planes= 50
gain= 40.2 messages= 766 positions= 49 planes= 43
gain= 37.2 messages= 671 positions= 31 planes= 50
gain= 32.8 messages= 651 positions= 27 planes= 43

Gain, Messages, Positions, Aircraft
49.6 6925 361 73
48.0 7230 331 76
44.5 7149 347 75
40.2 6883 352 71
37.2 7071 351 69
32.8 6653 332 69

Plotting the data into excel you can give helpful graphs

Although for tuning the Prostick it didn’t help me that much, since a lot of gains gave similar results :question:

Here’s the code. It’s pretty dumb (like it just waits 2 seconds after starting dump1090 rather than checking to see if dump1090 is actually ready). You probably want to change the measure_duration, ntests, and gains variables at the top.

Stop any existing dump1090 process before running the script. sudo /etc/init.d/ stop or **sudo service dump1090-mutability stop

import time, socket, subprocess

measure_duration = 15 #seconds
ntests = 10  #Number of tests
mutability = False    #set to True if you use dump1090-mutability
#gains = "20.7 22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48.0 49.6".split()
gains = "36.4 38.6 40.2 42.1 44.5 48.0 49.6".split()
#gains = "22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4".split()
results = {}

for i in range(ntests):
  print "test", i+1, "of", ntests 
  for g in gains:
	if g not in results:
		results[g] = [0,0,{}] #msgs, positions, aircraft
	if mutability:
  	  p = subprocess.Popen(('/usr/bin/dump1090-mutability --net --gain '+g+' --oversample --fix --phase-enhance --quiet').split(),shell=False,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  	  p = subprocess.Popen(('/usr/bin/dump1090 --net --gain '+g+' --quiet').split(),shell=False,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
	s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	t = time.time()
	d = ''
	while 1:
		d += s.recv(32)
		if time.time() - t > measure_duration:
	messages = 0
	positions = 0
	planes = {}
	for l in d.split('
		a = l.split(',')
		messages += 1
		if len(a) > 4:
			if a[1] == '3':
				positions += 1
			planes[a[4]] = 1
	print "gain=",g, "messages=", messages, "positions=", positions, "planes=", len(planes.keys())
	results[g][0] += messages
	results[g][1] += positions
	for hex in planes.keys():
		results[g][2][hex] = 1

print "
print "Gain, Messages, Positions, Aircraft"
for g in gains:
	(messages,positions,planes) = results[g]
	print g, messages, positions, len(planes.keys())

1 Like

So, really, the object is to run the gain as low as possible as long as you can still get traffic at your “maximum” range…? Is the advice to run “max gain” if you’re using a filter necessarily accurate then?


That’s a very interesting idea, thanks for providing the Python script. Just ran it against a ProStick with a full range of allowed gain values and the same 15 second interval. Just as you found, the results are highly inconclusive! :laughing:

Gain, Messages, Positions, Aircraft
49.6 46301 2842 194
48.0 45442 2840 194
44.5 46277 2895 189
43.9 46921 2922 198
43.4 47035 2894 191
42.1 45787 2875 192
40.2 46333 2868 196
38.6 47250 2914 195
37.2 47150 2846 198
36.4 47876 2941 195
33.8 47486 2926 194
32.8 47854 2972 192
29.7 47968 3064 200
28.0 48427 2976 199
25.4 48744 3008 201
22.9 47377 2894 202
20.7 48416 2901 201

FWIW, I normalize the raw values into ADSB messages per ADSB aircraft (excluding MLAT). There’s too much variability IMO to look at time slices of message and aircraft quantities. I also run for at least 24 hours to collect enough data points and compare the percent change delta to the previous day, then choose a neighboring site to see how much that site changed and whether I’m +/-. I only tune in real time for gross gain adjustments.

That’s how I do it anyway…with a SQL database to store the values over a longer period than available on the FA stats page.

@lignumaqua I lifted the idea from obj who proposed it as a dump1090-mut enhancement :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting the script.

I also have had mixed results trying to dial in gain, I think the issue is the variation of traffic during the sample times.

Just had an idea. What if you set this up so that you ran two dongles, both fed from the same antenna via a splitter? Use one dongle as the reference and the other as the variable to test gain?

You would lose sensitivity with the splitter, but it would only be used for calibration.

Make sense?

The splitter idea is good but you could also use the data from a second system as a reference. The data rate changes from traffic changes would be evident on a second nearby system. Perhaps even a friends system in the same general area.

This is my current strategy.

My setup is Cantenna → Inline Amp → DC Power → Splitter →

  1. Raspberry Pi B+, Regular tuner / Gain 42
  2. Raspberry Pi 3, Pro Tuner, FA Filter / Gain 16.6
    (Note: My cantenna is on my second story roof and followed by about 40 feet of coax)

I came to these gain numbers mostly by trial and error with my baseline receiver being the B+. I then compared results between the two to get the gain to where it is on the Pi 3. The Pi 3 does slightly better, most likely due to the filter.

I have graphs setup on the Pi 3 as it is a fresh install using Dump1090-Muta/PiAware add-on and the B+ is a vanilla PiAware image.

I would be interested in some more in depth tuning information as most of my results are pure speculation…

Here is my signal to noise graph from the Pi 3

My Sites are

Realized I was being dumb when running the above Python script. I hadn’t killed my usual dump1090 instance so all I was doing was reading the same values again and again!

I modified the script to allow simultaneous testing with normal dump1090 operation and got somewhat more likely results where the figures drop off at lower gain values once you get below a threshold. I’m going to run it again over a 24 hour period (about 250 iterations rather than 10) and see how that looks.

Gain, Messages, Positions, Aircraft
49.6 45072 3316 225
48.0 45127 3421 230
44.5 45589 3365 226
43.9 45624 3282 223
43.4 45022 3232 220
42.1 45046 3337 217
40.2 44289 3227 221
38.6 43904 3134 222
37.2 43799 3180 220
36.4 42600 3076 215
33.8 42577 3098 213
32.8 43107 3167 212
29.7 40988 2990 202
28.0 38121 2789 200
25.4 32601 2392 179
22.9 31111 2284 175
20.7 25329 1897 155

Are those the only valid values for gains? What happens if you just use integers?

dump1090 rounds to the nearest one from the full list:

0.0 0.9 1.4 2.7 3.7 7.7 8.7 12.5 14.4 15.7 16.6 19.7 20.7 22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48.0 49.6

This illustrates an interesting phenomenon. The maxima for messages and the maxima for aircraft do not necessarily occur at the same gain. I’ve personally noticed that I can increase a/c count with more gain but at the expense of message count.

BTW, care to share the modified script? :smiley:

Happy to do so, but be warned, this will mess up your local collectd stats. Depending on the timing between when collectd samples and the gain levels switching you’ll likely see some strange results. However, the overall average won’t change much and you’ll keep feeding data to FA. The constant rebooting of dump1090 will also break MLAT for the duration of the test. It’s a fairly crude hack of BartJr’s code that rewrites the dump1090-mutability config file with a different gain and then restarts dump1090. Please don’t use this unless you are prepared to deal with all that. No warranty is implied or should be inferred, if it breaks you get to keep both pieces! :open_mouth:

PS - If someone knows a cleaner way of restarting dump1090 with a different gain, then please post it.

import time, socket, subprocess, fileinput, os

measure_duration = 62 #seconds
ntests = 10
gains = "20.7 22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48.0 49.6".split()
#gains = "36.4 38.6 40.2 42.1 44.5 48.0 49.6".split()
#gains = "22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4".split()
results = {}

for i in range(ntests):
  print "test", i+1, "of", ntests 
  for g in gains:
   if g not in results:
      results[g] = [0,0,{}] #msgs, positions, aircraft

   for line in fileinput.input('/etc/default/dump1090-mutability', inplace=1):
      if line.startswith('GAIN'):
         print 'GAIN='+g
         print line,
   os.system("sudo /etc/init.d/dump1090-mutability restart")
   s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
   t = time.time()
   d = ''
   while 1:
      d += s.recv(32)
      if time.time() - t > measure_duration:
   messages = 0
   positions = 0
   planes = {}
   for l in d.split('
      a = l.split(',')
      messages += 1
      if len(a) > 4:
         if a[1] == '3':
            positions += 1
         planes[a[4]] = 1
   print "gain=",g, "messages=", messages, "positions=", positions, "planes=", len(planes.keys())
   results[g][0] += messages
   results[g][1] += positions
   for hex in planes.keys():
      results[g][2][hex] = 1

print "
print "Gain, Messages, Positions, Aircraft"
for g in gains:
   (messages,positions,planes) = results[g]
   print g, messages, positions, len(planes.keys())