30-day ranking algorithm

It’s not obvious to me what the algorithm for 30-day ranking is. I suppose it’s some weighting of the various items shown, but what?

Sum of ADS-B, MLAT and others aircraft seen for the last 30 days.

for your site 24859 today

22,980 ADS-B
33,364 MLAT
3,621 Other
59,965 Total

unformated paste of the data
1107 [rank was 1122 yesterday]
Victor Engel
Live 59,965
766 3,825,939 127,531
1,112 10,169,801 338,993
120 US flag Austin, TX, United States (KEDC)

Ah, OK. So nothing at all to do with messages. That was probably my hangup. Thanks.

No, not messages.
and by aircraft, I mean unique aircraft per UTC day.

I’ve been slowly watching my rank increase up the chart. Last month I moved my receiving antenna from my weather station mast to its own mast on top of my shop. I’m now climbing through 1897.